Meadow Primary School, located in Stoneleigh, Surrey, has recently undergone its first inspection since becoming an academy in July 2018. The inspection, conducted on 21 and 22 September 2022, resulted in an overall effectiveness rating of good across all evaluated areas, including the quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and early years provision. The school is characterized by a positive atmosphere where pupils are happy and engaged in their learning. Strong relationships among pupils and staff contribute to a supportive environment, evident even among the youngest learners in the newly opened nursery.
Pupils at Meadow Primary display enthusiasm for various activities, from performing at prestigious venues to participating in regular swimming lessons. The school has recently implemented a new behaviour policy, which has set clear expectations for pupils, leading to good behaviour and a focus on learning. The school council has taken proactive steps to address bullying, ensuring that pupils understand how to recognize and respond to such incidents. The commitment to safeguarding is evident, with staff trained to identify and support pupils at risk.
The curriculum at Meadow Primary is well-structured, with leaders having carefully sequenced knowledge, skills, and vocabulary across all subjects from Nursery to Year 6. The school emphasizes high expectations for pupil learning, and subject leaders are knowledgeable and enthusiastic, providing teachers with the necessary support to deliver effective lessons. The focus on reading is particularly strong, with early years staff fostering a love for stories and songs, while older pupils engage in book recommendations.
Despite these strengths, the inspection identified areas for improvement. While teachers effectively assess pupil understanding in English and mathematics, this practice is not consistently applied across all subjects. Leaders are currently exploring ways to enhance assessment strategies in foundation subjects to ensure that teachers can accurately gauge pupil understanding and adapt their teaching accordingly. Additionally, there is a need for better support and training for staff to assist pupils with special educational needs and disabilities in foundation subjects, as some pupils struggle to keep up with their peers.
The school promotes a broad range of experiences beyond the academic curriculum, helping pupils learn about different cultures and values. This approach fosters respect for diversity and prepares pupils for life in modern Britain. Staff well-being is prioritized, with leaders providing training and creating a collaborative culture among teachers. Governors actively engage with subject leaders to ensure the quality of education remains high.
In summary, Meadow Primary School is a vibrant and supportive learning environment where pupils thrive academically and socially. The school has established a solid foundation for education, with effective leadership and a commitment to continuous improvement. By addressing the identified areas for development, particularly in assessment practices and support for pupils with SEND, the school can further enhance its educational offerings and ensure that all pupils achieve their full potential.