CHS South is a secondary school located in Chorlton, Manchester, which has recently undergone its first inspection since opening in 2018. The inspection, conducted on January 10 and 11, 2023, resulted in an overall effectiveness rating of good across all evaluated areas, including the quality of education, behavior and attitudes, personal development, and leadership and management. The school is part of the Prospere Learning Trust and serves a diverse student body of 977 pupils aged 11 to 16.
The school fosters a welcoming and supportive environment where pupils take pride in their community. They are encouraged to embody the school values of being ready, respectful, and safe, which contributes to a positive atmosphere conducive to learning. Leaders maintain high expectations for pupil behavior and achievement, including for those with special educational needs and disabilities. Most pupils respond positively to these expectations, resulting in minimal disruption during lessons.
Pupils report feeling safe at school and appreciate the support available to them, particularly in addressing issues such as bullying. The school offers a wide range of extracurricular activities, including drama, sports, music, and various clubs, which enrich the student experience and cater to diverse interests.
The curriculum at CHS South is designed to be aspirational, with leaders actively working to increase the number of pupils studying modern foreign languages and the English Baccalaureate subjects. In most areas, the curriculum is well-structured, allowing pupils to build on their prior knowledge effectively. However, there are a few subjects where the curriculum could be further developed to enhance breadth and depth of learning. Teachers regularly assess pupil understanding, enabling them to address misconceptions promptly and adjust their teaching strategies accordingly.
Staff at the school demonstrate strong subject knowledge, which aids in delivering clear explanations and making connections between current and past learning. Nevertheless, some subjects lack opportunities for pupils to revisit previously learned material, which can hinder their overall progress. Leaders have identified the needs of pupils with special educational needs quickly, ensuring they receive appropriate support within the classroom.
While behavior in lessons is generally good, there are instances where a small number of pupils struggle to regulate their behavior during unstructured times, leading to occasional lateness to lessons. Leaders are encouraged to provide additional support for these pupils to help them manage their behavior and time effectively.
Reading is a priority at CHS South, with all year groups engaging in regular reading activities. Leaders have implemented effective strategies to support pupils who struggle with reading, allowing most to catch up quickly. Plans are in place to further enhance this support by deploying additional staff.
The school places a strong emphasis on personal development, providing pupils with guidance on safety and well-being, both in and out of school. Pupils express enthusiasm for the career education and guidance they receive, which helps them make informed decisions about their future.
Trustees and governors play an active role in supporting and challenging school leaders, ensuring a clear focus on continuous improvement. Staff report high levels of job satisfaction, with leaders taking steps to support their workload and well-being.
The safeguarding arrangements at CHS South are effective, with staff trained to recognize and respond to potential risks to pupils. The school collaborates with external agencies to provide necessary support for vulnerable pupils and their families. Overall, CHS South is a school that demonstrates a commitment to providing a high-quality education and a supportive environment for all its pupils.