The Bulwell Academy, located in Nottingham, has undergone significant changes recently, leading to improvements in various areas. However, the school is currently rated as requiring improvement in overall effectiveness, quality of education, behavior and attitudes, personal development, and leadership and management. The acting head of school is Matt Irons, and the school is part of the Creative Education Trust, overseen by CEO Marc Jordan and a board of trustees chaired by Abbie Rumbold.
Despite the improvements, the school has faced challenges that have unsettled students and parents alike. Many have expressed frustration over frequent changes in staffing and leadership. The school maintains high expectations for student behavior, and while most students are respectful and engaged in their lessons, a minority disrupts learning, negatively impacting the overall school experience.
The curriculum has seen enhancements, providing an ambitious framework that aims to equip students with essential knowledge and skills. However, there are still areas where the curriculum is developing, and not all students achieve their potential. The school offers a variety of extracurricular activities, including sports and performing arts, and provides good guidance for students regarding their future educational and career paths.
At key stage three, the curriculum is broad and ambitious, with students at key stage four having a wide range of courses to choose from. Most students with special educational needs and disabilities receive adequate support to follow the same curriculum as their peers. The school has made efforts to develop the curriculum, with staff identifying key knowledge for students to learn. However, in some subjects, clarity regarding essential knowledge is lacking, and the sequencing of lessons does not always facilitate connections to prior learning.
Most teachers are subject specialists who effectively explain concepts and design lesson activities focused on critical knowledge. They provide opportunities for students to recall previously learned material, aiding retention and understanding. Staff have collaborated to establish routines for assessing student learning, but there are instances where understanding is not checked thoroughly, leading to gaps in knowledge.
Attendance is generally good, but there are concerns regarding the number of students who are frequently absent or late, often due to suspensions for poor behavior. The school has worked to support these students, resulting in improved attendance and a decrease in suspensions. The personal, social, and health education curriculum is in place, covering important themes such as relationships and British values, but its delivery is inconsistent, leaving many students with gaps in understanding.
While the school has made rapid improvements, many students have had negative experiences in recent years, feeling undervalued within the school community. Opportunities for student leadership and responsibility are limited. Staff generally view the changes positively and appreciate the support provided for their professional development.
The safeguarding arrangements at the school are effective, ensuring the safety and well-being of students. However, to further improve, the school must address issues related to attendance and behavior, ensuring that all students attend regularly and punctually. Additionally, the curriculum needs to be better planned and delivered consistently across all subjects, with a focus on identifying essential knowledge and ensuring that all students receive appropriate feedback to address misconceptions. The broader personal development curriculum should also be enhanced to prepare students for their future roles in society, fostering responsible citizenship and respect for diversity.