Langwith Bassett Junior Academy is recognized as a good school, providing a positive and nurturing environment for its pupils. The school emphasizes the importance of its RESPECT values, which include responsibility, enthusiasm, sense of pride, perseverance, empathy, curiosity, and teamwork. Pupils actively engage in upholding these values, taking on roles such as play leaders and house captains, and participating in initiatives like the Bassett Business Kids, who raised funds for a local miners' memorial. The school is often described as a family by students, parents, and staff, fostering a sense of safety and belonging. Bullying is reported to be rare, and pupils feel confident that any issues will be addressed promptly by staff.
The behavior of pupils is commendable, with respectful and positive relationships evident between staff and students. Pupils appreciate their teachers and enjoy a variety of extracurricular activities, including clubs for newspaper, gymnastics, choir, and Little Samurai. The school provides a solid quality of education, with leaders continuously working to enhance the curriculum to meet the diverse needs of all students. Learning occurs in mixed-age classes, and most subjects are well-structured and thoughtfully planned. Teachers ensure that pupils understand their learning objectives and how they connect to prior knowledge.
However, there are areas for improvement. Some subjects require further development to deepen pupils' knowledge over time. In mathematics, for instance, some students progress too quickly, leading to difficulties in retaining essential concepts. Leaders are currently reviewing the assessment systems to better monitor pupils' learning. Physical education is a strong point, with pupils demonstrating a good understanding of skills and techniques in various sports.
Reading is prioritized at Langwith Bassett Junior Academy, with pupils expressing enthusiasm for story time and phonics lessons. Staff are well-trained and maintain high expectations, ensuring that pupils receive appropriate support when needed. The school has a new library that pupils take pride in, and there are plans to expand it outdoors.
The school is committed to inclusivity, ensuring that pupils with special educational needs and disabilities have access to the full curriculum. Staff effectively identify and support these pupils, allowing them to learn alongside their peers. While pupils have a clear understanding of equalities, their knowledge of different world religions and some fundamental British values, such as democracy and liberty, is still developing.
Governance is strong, with governors regularly visiting the school and staying informed about its operations. Staff feel valued and proud to work at the school. The safeguarding arrangements are effective, with staff building trusting relationships with pupils and their families. Pupils learn about safety, including online safety, and staff are well-trained to recognize signs of potential harm.
To enhance the school's effectiveness, leaders need to establish consistent systems for identifying gaps in pupils' learning across all subjects. This will help ensure that teachers can accurately assess pupils' understanding and provide appropriate next steps in their learning. Additionally, there is a need to strengthen pupils' knowledge of British values and different faiths to foster a more comprehensive understanding of diversity and inclusion. Overall, Langwith Bassett Junior Academy continues to provide a supportive and enriching educational experience for its pupils.