Hereward Primary School, located in Loughton, Essex, has recently undergone an inspection by Ofsted, which took place on June 4 and 5, 2024. The school has been rated as outstanding in all areas, including overall effectiveness, quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and early years provision. This marks a significant achievement for the school, which has not been previously inspected under section five of the Education Act 2005. The headteacher, Renette Fourie, leads the school, which is part of the Epping Forest Schools Partnership Trust, overseen by CEO Peter Tidmarsh and a board of trustees chaired by Christopher White.
The inspection revealed that Hereward Primary School is a vibrant and supportive community where pupils thrive. The school fosters a culture of kindness, with older students actively supporting younger ones during break times. Pupils express their love for the school and demonstrate exemplary behaviour, showing enthusiasm for learning and respect for others. The school environment is characterized by positive behaviour, with high expectations set from early years onwards. Lessons are engaging and well-structured, allowing pupils to focus on their learning without disruptions.
The curriculum at Hereward Primary School is ambitious and well-planned, ensuring that pupils build their knowledge incrementally. The teaching staff provide strong support for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities, enabling them to take pride in their work. The school offers a wide range of extracurricular activities, with pupil leadership and voice playing a significant role in shaping these opportunities. Popular clubs such as coding and cooking have been introduced based on pupil requests, and various activities enhance the learning experience, including trips that connect with classroom learning.
The school has a clear mission and purpose, with stakeholders fully engaged in its vision for educational quality. Staff receive high-quality training, and the collaborative approach of leaders is praised. The curriculum is comprehensive, building pupils' knowledge from early years through to the end of key stage two. For instance, writing skills are developed through consistent practice, and carefully selected texts enhance vocabulary and comprehension. The school continually reviews its curriculum to ensure it meets the needs of all pupils, including those who may have underperformed in national tests in the past.
Staff deliver the curriculum effectively, employing engaging activities that promote understanding and retention of knowledge. They adapt lessons to ensure all pupils, including those with SEND, can participate confidently. Regular checks for understanding help address any misconceptions, allowing pupils to develop a rich and detailed knowledge base. Early reading support is robust, with a consistent phonics programme in place that enables pupils to read fluently.
In the early years, children benefit from a meticulously planned curriculum that fosters communication and social skills. Staff interactions are purposeful, and the learning environment is creatively adapted to support children's development. Pupils understand and respond well to the behaviour policy, resulting in high attendance and a strong sense of responsibility among students.
The personal development curriculum is coherent and effective, teaching pupils about safety and kindness, particularly in online contexts. The school equips pupils with well-judged information on sensitive topics, fostering thoughtful discussions on complex ideas such as democracy. The trust and governors provide strong support, ensuring effective leadership at all levels and promoting staff well-being.
Overall, Hereward Primary School exemplifies excellence in education, creating an environment where pupils flourish academically and personally. The school's commitment to continuous improvement and high standards is evident in its outstanding inspection results.