Quest Primary School, located in South Croydon, Surrey, has recently undergone its first inspection since becoming an academy in 2018. The inspection, conducted on February 28 and March 1, 2023, resulted in an overall effectiveness rating of good across all evaluated areas, including the quality of education, behavior and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and early years provision. The school is characterized by a warm and caring environment where pupils feel safe and secure. Staff members are dedicated to ensuring that students are well looked after, fostering trust and open communication between pupils and adults.
The leadership team, trustees, and governors share a clear vision for the school and have accurately assessed its strengths and areas for improvement. They have focused on enhancing the curriculum and its delivery, which has led to positive responses from pupils who are meeting the high expectations set for them. The ambitious curriculum allows pupils to acquire and retain knowledge across various subjects effectively. The school has implemented clear behavior expectations, which are understood by both staff and students, contributing to a calm and purposeful classroom atmosphere.
Quest Primary School offers numerous opportunities for pupils' broader development, including extracurricular clubs and educational outings. These experiences enrich the students' learning and personal growth. The school has also prioritized the teaching of reading, starting as soon as children enter the school. Staff have received training to ensure a consistent approach to phonics instruction, and additional support is provided for those who need it, helping to foster a love of reading among pupils.
While the school has made significant strides, there are areas that require further attention. Some subjects have not yet fully defined the essential knowledge and skills that pupils need to master, which can impact the effectiveness of teaching and learning. Leaders are encouraged to refine their curriculum planning to ensure that teachers can effectively support pupils in building on their existing knowledge. Additionally, there are instances where teaching does not adequately address gaps in pupils' understanding, which can hinder their ability to progress.
The school has established effective safeguarding measures, prioritizing the safety and well-being of its pupils. Staff receive regular training to recognize and respond to potential risks, and robust reporting systems are in place to ensure that appropriate support is provided when needed. The curriculum also includes important lessons on physical and mental health, as well as online safety.
Overall, Quest Primary School demonstrates a commitment to providing a high-quality education in a supportive environment. The leadership team is focused on continuous improvement, and while there are areas for development, the school is well-positioned to build on its successes. The positive feedback from pupils, parents, and staff reflects a strong community spirit and a shared commitment to the school's vision. As the school continues to refine its curriculum and teaching practices, it is likely to see further improvements in pupil outcomes and overall effectiveness.