Cherry Willingham Primary Academy, located in Lincolnshire, has recently undergone its first inspection since becoming an academy. The inspection took place on October 10 and 11, 2023, and the overall effectiveness of the school was rated as good. The quality of education, leadership and management, and early years provision were also rated as good, while behavior and attitudes were deemed outstanding. The school has not been previously inspected under the Education Act 2005.
Under the leadership of headteacher Gemma Curtis, the school is part of The Priory Federation of Academies Trust, which provides additional support and oversight. The trust is led by CEO Ian Jones and a board of trustees chaired by Howard Gee. The school community is characterized by a strong sense of pride among pupils, who express happiness and safety in their environment. They appreciate the supportive staff and the familial atmosphere, often describing the school as one big family.
Pupils at Cherry Willingham Primary Academy are encouraged to meet high expectations regarding their work and behavior. They embody the school’s mantra of learning together and succeeding together, demonstrating exceptional manners and a calm demeanor that enhances their learning experience. The school fosters collaboration among pupils, with older students taking on leadership roles to assist younger peers. The curriculum is ambitious and inclusive, ensuring that all pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities, have access to the same learning opportunities.
Parents and carers hold the school in high regard, praising its nurturing environment and engaging learning experiences. Many parents report that their children are excited to attend school and develop a strong desire for learning. The school has made significant strides in improving its curriculum, with clear plans outlining essential knowledge and the sequence in which it should be taught. Teachers possess strong subject knowledge and assess pupils’ learning effectively in core subjects like English, mathematics, and science. However, there is a need for the school to enhance its assessment methods in some foundation subjects to gain a comprehensive understanding of pupil achievement across the curriculum.
The early years provision is robust, with children receiving a strong start in Reception. They engage in a variety of activities that promote independence and readiness for Year 1. The school prioritizes reading, implementing a phonics program from the first day of Reception, which helps pupils develop confidence and accuracy in their reading skills. The school also promotes a love of reading through initiatives that create excitement around books.
While the school excels in many areas, there are aspects that require improvement. Pupils’ understanding of British values is underdeveloped, with some not recalling the values they have been taught. The school aims to ensure that all pupils have a thorough understanding of these values. Additionally, the management of behavior is a notable strength, with clear expectations and strong relationships contributing to a positive atmosphere.
Leadership at all levels is effective, with a clear vision for pupil achievement. Staff feel valued and supported, contributing to a positive work environment. The school is committed to continuous improvement, actively seeking ways to enhance learning opportunities for pupils. Overall, Cherry Willingham Primary Academy demonstrates a strong commitment to providing a high-quality education and fostering a supportive community for its pupils.