Yeo Valley Primary School, located in Barnstaple, Devon, has undergone significant improvements since its previous inspection. The school has been rated as good overall, with outstanding leadership and management, as well as exceptional early years provision. The school environment is welcoming and inclusive, fostering a sense of pride among pupils. Leaders maintain high expectations for all students, including those with special educational needs and disabilities. This has resulted in pupils developing positive attitudes towards learning, demonstrating resilience and determination in their studies. However, a concern remains regarding persistent absenteeism among some pupils.
The relationships between staff and pupils are a cornerstone of the school's ethos, contributing to a calm and purposeful atmosphere. Pupils respect their teachers and peers, leading to good behavior both in lessons and during playtime. Instances of bullying are rare, and when they do occur, staff are quick to address the issues. The curriculum, particularly in arts subjects, is well-structured and sequenced, allowing pupils to engage in music and performance opportunities that showcase their talents.
Yeo Valley Primary School has made remarkable strides in improving the quality of education since its last inspection. The leadership team has effectively addressed previous weaknesses, resulting in a more ambitious curriculum. The early years curriculum is particularly noteworthy, providing children with a strong foundation through a variety of learning activities that promote independence and resilience. Communication and language development are prioritized, addressing the needs of children who enter school with lower literacy levels.
In the main school, subject leaders demonstrate a strong understanding of their areas, and the curriculum is broken down into manageable steps. However, in some subjects, the curriculum is not yet fully embedded, which can hinder pupils' deep understanding of the material. Consequently, outcomes for pupils at the end of Year 6 are not yet at the desired level.
The provision for pupils with special educational needs is a strength of the school, with leaders quickly identifying their needs and utilizing technology to support their learning. The emphasis on early reading and phonics is evident, with leaders ensuring that pupils receive effective support to become confident readers. The school promotes a love of reading through a well-stocked library and initiatives like junior librarian roles.
Leaders also enhance the curriculum through various trips and residential experiences, making learning more engaging. While there are numerous clubs available for pupils to explore their interests, attendance at some of these clubs could be improved. The school prioritizes the physical and mental well-being of its students, with a mentoring program in place to support academic and pastoral development.
Trustees play an active role in supporting and challenging school leaders to maintain progress. The commitment to staff development is evident, with opportunities for professional growth contributing to high staff morale. Safeguarding arrangements are effective, with staff trained to recognize and address potential risks to pupils' safety.
Overall, Yeo Valley Primary School is on a positive trajectory, with strong leadership and a commitment to continuous improvement. However, to further enhance the educational experience, leaders must ensure that the curriculum is consistently embedded across all subjects, enabling pupils to develop a deeper understanding of the knowledge necessary for their future success.