Calverley Parkside Primary School has undergone significant transformation, resulting in a positive environment where pupils enjoy attending. The leadership team has established high expectations for student learning, creating an ambitious curriculum that fosters engagement and understanding. For instance, in geography, students explore the formation of various volcano types while focusing on precise vocabulary. This approach, combined with effective teaching, enables all pupils, including those with additional needs, to achieve commendable results.
The school promotes strong relationships among students, who exhibit commendable behavior both in and out of the classroom. Year six pupils take their responsibilities as 'lunchtime buddies' seriously, supporting younger students. The school culture encourages pupils to report any instances of bullying, which is rare and addressed promptly when it occurs. Students are nurtured to develop into well-rounded individuals, demonstrating politeness and confidence in their interactions. They celebrate diversity, welcoming differences within their community.
Leaders have successfully rebuilt trust within the community following previous challenges. Parents and caregivers appreciate the accessibility of school leaders, who are open to discussing concerns. Feedback from parents indicates unanimous support for the school, with many recommending it to others.
In a relatively short time, despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the leadership team has developed new curriculum plans across all subjects. These plans clearly outline what pupils will learn and when, ensuring a coherent progression from Nursery and Reception to Year one and beyond. Teachers employ various strategies to assess pupils' understanding before introducing new concepts. However, there are instances where teachers may assume that all pupils are ready to progress based on a few correct responses, which can hinder some students' comprehension of new material.
The special educational needs coordinator ensures that staff are well-informed to support pupils with additional needs effectively. In areas where teachers' subject knowledge was previously less secure, leaders have facilitated targeted professional development, resulting in consistently strong subject expertise among staff. Teachers clearly explain new concepts and select appropriate resources to enhance learning. Pupils can articulate their learning using subject-specific vocabulary, demonstrating their understanding.
Reading instruction is prioritized, with daily reading sessions featuring a diverse selection of books. Pupils are encouraged to explore a wide range of texts throughout their time at school. The introduction of a new phonics program, with comprehensive training for staff, has led to effective interventions for pupils needing extra support, resulting in improved reading fluency and accuracy.
Leaders are ambitious for all members of the school community, including staff, and have implemented a leadership development program that benefits both pupils at Calverley Parkside and those in other schools within the Owlcotes multi-academy trust. Attendance is closely monitored, with leaders working with families to address barriers to regular attendance. While many strategies have proven successful, some pupils still miss school too frequently.
Pupils have access to a variety of extracurricular activities, and leaders strive to ensure that all students can participate. The school council, playground buddies, and contributions to policy development reflect pupils' active engagement in school life. Governors maintain effective oversight through focused visits and clear communication, supporting and challenging school leaders.
Staff feel well-supported through the changes implemented in the school, with leaders valuing their input and ensuring that time is dedicated to activities that benefit pupils. The overall atmosphere at Calverley Parkside is one of pride and commitment among staff, contributing to a thriving educational environment.