Greengates Primary Academy, located in Bradford, West Yorkshire, has been recognized as a good school following its inspection on June 7 and 8, 2023. The school fosters a positive and supportive environment where pupils feel proud to attend. They develop warm relationships with staff and express that they are well cared for, thriving in the school's welcoming atmosphere. The staff at Greengates Primary Academy hold high aspirations for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities. The school's motto, Reach for the stars and you will be flying, is evident in the daily experiences of the students.
The behavior of pupils is commendable, with leaders setting high expectations that are met by the students. They navigate the school calmly, engage in learning with minimal disruption, and report that bullying is rare. Pupils feel confident that any concerns they have will be addressed by the staff. Attendance is improving, although leaders recognize the need to continue efforts to ensure all pupils attend school consistently.
Reading is prioritized at Greengates Primary Academy, with leaders ensuring that all staff share this vision. Teachers emphasize the importance of reading as a core component of the curriculum, and pupils understand its significance in their lives. The school promotes a love of reading from an early age, involving parents and carers in workshops to support their children's reading at home. Phonics teaching is consistent and well-planned, with staff receiving regular training. Reading leaders have a clear understanding of pupils' individual needs, allowing for timely support for those at risk of falling behind.
The curriculum at Greengates Primary Academy is broad and ambitious, with careful consideration given to the knowledge and vocabulary that pupils should acquire at each stage. Teachers provide opportunities for pupils to revisit previous learning, ensuring they are secure in their understanding before progressing. The needs of pupils with special educational needs are thoughtfully addressed, allowing them to learn alongside their peers with appropriate support.
Leaders actively check the delivery of the curriculum in most subjects, although this practice is not yet consistent across all areas. Some subject leaders are still developing their ability to evaluate the effectiveness of their subjects. The school offers a wide range of opportunities for pupils, ensuring inclusivity and enriching the curriculum through educational outings and experiences. Pupils express excitement about their learning experiences, including residential trips that help build their confidence.
Greengates Primary Academy prepares pupils well for life in modern Britain, encouraging discussions on current issues and teaching respect for diverse views. Through personal, social, and health education lessons, pupils learn about fundamental British values and the importance of recognizing similarities among people despite differences.
Governance at the school is effective, with leaders aware of their responsibilities, particularly regarding staff well-being. The support from the Delta Academies Trust has been instrumental in driving improvements within the school. Staff report feeling supported in their roles, benefiting from training and professional development opportunities.
The safeguarding arrangements at Greengates Primary Academy are effective, with leaders vigilant in identifying potential risks and ensuring thorough reporting systems are in place. Pupils feel safe and are taught how to protect themselves, especially online. Overall, while the school continues to excel in many areas, there is a need for ongoing efforts to improve attendance and ensure consistent evaluation of the curriculum across all subjects.