Kidsgrove Secondary School, located in Stoke-on-Trent, has recently undergone an inspection that has resulted in an overall effectiveness rating of good. The inspection took place on April 18 and 19, 2023, and it marked the first routine inspection since the school joined the Shaw Education Trust in November 2018. The headteacher, who was appointed in September 2021, has played a significant role in driving improvements across various aspects of school life.
The school is characterized by a close-knit community atmosphere, where relationships among pupils and staff are warm and supportive. Pupils feel valued and are encouraged to voice their concerns, with a strong belief that any issues, including bullying, will be addressed promptly. The school has seen notable enhancements in behavior expectations, learning experiences, and the overall environment, which have been positively received by pupils, parents, and staff alike.
Kidsgrove Secondary School provides a range of support to ensure pupils are ready for learning, including breakfast provisions and after-school homework clubs. The use of electronic tablets has been integrated into the learning process, helping to develop digital skills alongside subject knowledge. Pupils engage well in lessons and show respect for each other's choices during social time. While they enjoy the extracurricular activities available, there is a desire for a broader selection of options.
The inspection highlighted several strengths within the school, particularly in leadership and the quality of education. Key staffing changes over the past two years have strengthened leadership and improved educational quality. Collaboration with other leaders and teachers within the multi-academy trust has provided valuable support, positively impacting curriculum design and delivery. The curriculum is broad and inclusive, catering for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities. Teachers utilize their subject knowledge effectively, incorporating real-life examples to enhance learning.
However, the inspection also identified areas for improvement. The effectiveness of checking pupils' understanding during lessons is inconsistent, leading to situations where some pupils are not adequately prepared for subsequent tasks. Additionally, while leaders ensure that pupils with special educational needs have their needs identified, not all teachers are effectively adapting their teaching to meet these individual requirements. Work is underway to address these issues, with a commitment to improving the adaptation of learning for all pupils.
The school has made significant strides in behavior and attendance, with a decrease in the number of suspensions. Pupils are aware of the higher expectations set for them and understand the impact of their behavior on their learning outcomes. The personal development curriculum is robust, covering essential topics such as healthy relationships and careers, ensuring pupils are well-prepared for their future.
Safeguarding arrangements are effective, with staff receiving appropriate training and updates on emerging issues. Leaders take swift action to support pupils at risk, and the curriculum includes lessons on safety and awareness of local issues. Recruitment checks for staff are thorough, ensuring a safe environment for all pupils.
In summary, Kidsgrove Secondary School has demonstrated significant improvements in various areas, resulting in a good overall effectiveness rating. The school fosters a supportive community, provides a broad curriculum, and is committed to continuous improvement. While there are areas that require attention, the leadership's dedication to enhancing the educational experience for all pupils is evident.