Sacks Morasha Jewish Primary School, located in Barnet, London, has recently undergone an inspection that highlighted its overall effectiveness as good. The school, which caters to pupils aged four to eleven, has established a positive and inclusive environment where students form strong relationships and demonstrate kindness. The leadership team has set high aspirations for the pupils, encouraging them to achieve their best and fostering a love for learning. As a result, students are confident, articulate, and well-prepared for the next stages of their education.
The quality of education at Sacks Morasha is rated as good, with a broad and ambitious curriculum that covers essential knowledge across various subjects. The curriculum is well sequenced in most areas, particularly in English and mathematics, allowing pupils to build their knowledge and skills logically. However, there are some subjects where the coherence of the curriculum could be improved. In the early years, the curriculum effectively covers all areas of learning and development, ensuring that children make good progress and are well-prepared for Year 1.
Reading is a priority at the school, with pupils learning phonics from the start of Reception. A significant number of students can read accurately by the end of Reception, and they continue to develop their fluency and comprehension skills as they progress. Those who require additional support in reading receive the necessary help to catch up with their peers. The school promotes a diverse range of texts, including non-fiction and poetry, to enhance pupils' reading experiences.
Teachers at Sacks Morasha demonstrate good subject knowledge, which they effectively use to help pupils secure their understanding. In Reception, purposeful activities linked to themes help children develop their language and communication skills. Throughout the school, teachers revisit prior learning and present new information clearly, aiding pupils in retaining knowledge.
The school is committed to supporting pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). A high proportion of these pupils access the same curriculum as their peers, and appropriate adaptations are made to teaching strategies. Leaders effectively identify the needs of these pupils and ensure they receive the additional support required for success.
Pupils exhibit positive attitudes towards learning and behave well, contributing to a calm and orderly school environment. They engage in social activities during break times, demonstrating consideration for one another's well-being. The school provides a wide range of opportunities for pupils to develop their talents and interests, including residential trips and charity work, fostering a sense of community and responsibility.
The personal development program at Sacks Morasha is extensive, covering topics such as relationships, equality, diversity, and mental health. Pupils learn about being good citizens and engage in discussions on various issues, developing their critical thinking skills. The leadership team is dedicated to providing a high-quality education and is committed to continuous improvement.
The safeguarding arrangements at the school are effective, with a strong culture of safeguarding established. Staff receive regular training and are vigilant in identifying and reporting any concerns regarding pupil safety. Leaders maintain effective relationships with external agencies to ensure that pupils receive the necessary support.
While the school has many strengths, there are areas for improvement, particularly in refining the curriculum in certain subjects to ensure a more coherent development of subject-specific knowledge. Overall, Sacks Morasha Jewish Primary School is a nurturing environment where pupils thrive academically and personally, supported by dedicated leaders and staff.