Priorswood Primary School, located in Taunton, Somerset, has undergone significant improvements since its previous inspection. The school, which caters to children aged 2 to 11, is part of The Redstart Learning Partnership and has a stable staffing structure that contributes to a consistent educational experience for its pupils. The recent inspection, conducted on November 8 and 9, 2022, rated the school as good in all areas, including overall effectiveness, quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and early years provision.
Pupils at Priorswood Primary School demonstrate pride in their school and exhibit positive attitudes towards learning. They feel safe and enjoy attending school, which is reflected in their good attendance rates. The curriculum is broad and includes unique opportunities such as forest school lessons that promote resilience, independence, and teamwork. The school fosters a supportive environment where pupils encourage one another, and staff model strong relationships and clear expectations, creating a calm and purposeful atmosphere for learning.
The school has made notable strides in its curriculum design, ensuring it is ambitious and inclusive for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities. Early years education is particularly strong, with staff effectively developing children's language skills and fostering curiosity. The focus on vocabulary development continues into key stages one and two, enhancing pupils' ability to learn successfully.
Despite these strengths, the school faces challenges, particularly in the leadership of special educational needs provision. Recent changes have led to a lack of clarity regarding the support provided to pupils with SEND, which can affect their learning outcomes. Leaders are aware of this issue and are working to establish a more structured overview of SEND provision to ensure that all pupils receive the targeted support they need.
In core subjects such as reading and mathematics, the school has implemented a systematic approach to curriculum delivery, which has positively impacted pupils' knowledge retention. Reading is prioritized across the school, with pupils expressing enjoyment in reading activities and access to a diverse range of high-quality texts. Teachers are proactive in identifying and addressing misconceptions, ensuring that pupils who fall behind receive the necessary support to catch up.
While the school excels in many areas, there is variability in the curriculum for foundation subjects, which can hinder pupils' ability to connect prior knowledge with new learning. Leaders need to clarify the essential knowledge that pupils must acquire to enhance their long-term retention of information. Additionally, the school must strengthen its approach to teaching fundamental British values and protected characteristics to better prepare pupils for life in modern Britain.
The safeguarding arrangements at Priorswood Primary School are effective, with a strong culture of safeguarding embedded within the school. Staff receive regular training and updates, ensuring they understand their roles and responsibilities. Leaders collaborate with external agencies to support pupils and families, fostering a safe environment for all.
Overall, Priorswood Primary School has made commendable progress and provides a good quality of education. The commitment of staff and leaders to continuous improvement is evident, and with focused efforts on addressing the identified areas for development, the school is well-positioned to enhance its provision further and support all pupils in achieving their best.