Padgate Academy is a secondary comprehensive school located in Warrington, which has recently undergone its first inspection since becoming an academy. The inspection, conducted on May 23 and 24, 2023, resulted in an overall effectiveness rating of good across all evaluated areas, including the quality of education, behavior and attitudes, personal development, and leadership and management. The school has created a welcoming and supportive environment for its pupils, ensuring that new students, including those who speak English as an additional language, are helped to settle in quickly.
Pupils with special educational needs and disabilities are fully included in all aspects of school life, benefiting from specially resourced provisions. The leadership team has prioritized teaching pupils about tolerance and respect, fostering a culture that values diversity. This commitment has led to a positive atmosphere where pupils feel safe to report any incidents of harassment or bullying, knowing that their concerns will be taken seriously. The school has implemented effective measures to address bullying, contributing to a sense of happiness and safety among the majority of pupils.
The school has raised expectations regarding attendance, behavior, and achievement, which has positively impacted pupils' learning. Most students are well-prepared for the next stages of their education or training. The curriculum is broad and ambitious, designed to ensure that pupils acquire essential knowledge and skills. Teachers demonstrate strong subject knowledge and utilize appropriate resources to enhance learning. However, there are instances where misconceptions among pupils are not addressed promptly, leading to gaps in knowledge.
Leaders have recently intensified their focus on improving reading skills among pupils, particularly those in key stage three who struggle with reading. While support has been implemented for these students, some older pupils still require additional assistance to become confident readers, which can affect their ability to engage with the wider curriculum. The school has established robust systems for identifying pupils with special educational needs, and most teachers effectively adapt their teaching to meet these students' needs.
Attendance has been a concern in the past, but the school has successfully implemented strategies to improve attendance rates, particularly for disadvantaged pupils and those with special educational needs. The behavior of pupils is generally calm and orderly, with effective systems in place to promote positive behavior. The leadership team has developed a cohesive program to support pupils' wider development, enhancing their learning through various activities, assemblies, and workshops.
The governing body has been strengthened to provide effective support and challenge to school leaders, ensuring stability following a period of turbulence. Staff members appreciate the training and collaborative opportunities provided by the trust, and leaders have taken steps to reduce workload and support staff well-being. Safeguarding arrangements are effective, with established systems for reporting concerns and regular training for staff to remain vigilant.
The inspection highlighted areas for improvement, including the need for teachers to check pupils' learning more rigorously to identify and address gaps in knowledge. Additionally, there is a need to prioritize support for older pupils struggling with reading to ensure they receive the necessary help to keep pace with their peers. Overall, Padgate Academy demonstrates a commitment to providing a high-quality education and fostering a supportive environment for all its pupils.