Rye Community Primary School, located in East Sussex, has recently undergone an inspection that highlighted its overall effectiveness as good. The inspection took place on February 28 and March 1, 2023, and the school has demonstrated a commitment to providing a high-quality education for its pupils. The school has established a positive environment where students feel happy and engaged in their learning. Pupils express enthusiasm for their lessons and appreciate the supportive relationships fostered by the school leaders and staff.
The school’s leadership has set high expectations for all students, promoting values such as independence, resilience, equality, and compassion. These values are well understood by the pupils and contribute to a caring and inclusive school community. Behaviour in the school is generally good, with pupils displaying calmness and respect during lessons and social times. While there are occasional disagreements during play, the school is actively working to address these issues to ensure a consistently positive atmosphere.
The curriculum at Rye Community Primary School is well-structured, focusing on key knowledge and skills that pupils need to acquire. This planning reflects the aspirations of the leaders for all students, including those with special educational needs and disabilities. The school has made significant progress in improving pupils' attainment in national curriculum tests, and current students are making good progress through the enhanced curriculum. Teachers employ effective assessment strategies to monitor pupils' understanding, particularly in early reading and mathematics, although there is still work to be done in some foundation subjects.
The teaching of early reading is particularly strong, with staff demonstrating confidence and expertise in supporting pupils' literacy development. Pupils who require additional support in reading receive targeted assistance, which helps them become fluent readers. The school has also carefully selected a diverse range of texts to engage pupils and broaden their perspectives.
Behaviour in lessons is mostly focused, and children in the early years respond well to established routines. However, some older pupils have reported occasional disruptions in their learning. The school has implemented clear behaviour expectations, and staff are increasingly consistent in applying these standards, resulting in a reduction of low-level disruptions.
Despite the positive aspects, the school faces challenges with attendance, as some pupils do not attend regularly enough. Leaders are taking effective steps to improve attendance rates, and there is evidence of progress in this area. The school offers a variety of extracurricular activities that support the development of pupils' wider skills, including gardening, forest school, and cookery. These opportunities are designed to be inclusive and cater to the needs of all pupils.
The safeguarding arrangements at Rye Community Primary School are effective, with a strong culture of safety embedded within the school. Staff are well-trained to identify and respond to safeguarding concerns, ensuring that pupils feel safe and supported. The school works closely with external agencies to provide necessary support for pupils and their families.
In summary, Rye Community Primary School has made commendable strides in providing a quality education and fostering a positive school environment. While there are areas for improvement, particularly in attendance and the assessment of foundation subjects, the school is on a positive trajectory. The leadership team is dedicated to continuous improvement, ensuring that all pupils receive the support and education they need to thrive.