Portway Junior School, located in Allestree, Derby, has been recognized as a good school following its inspection on July 3 and 4, 2023. The school fosters a positive environment where pupils are encouraged to be responsible, respectful, caring, friendly, and active, collectively known as the Portway 5. This ethos contributes to warm relationships among students and staff, resulting in good behavior both in lessons and throughout the school. The atmosphere is friendly, and pupils feel safe, with staff taking special care to help new students settle in.
Pupils are motivated to excel and take pride in their work, particularly in their writing showcased in 'publishing' books. They enjoy opportunities to present their best work to parents during 'proud moments' afternoons. The school offers a diverse range of extracurricular activities, including chess, debating, gardening, and basketball, which pupils appreciate. Additionally, the school enhances learning through experiences such as forest school and visits to historical sites. Parents express high satisfaction with the approachable and supportive staff, with one parent describing the school as a fabulous, warm, and welcoming place where their child thrives.
The leadership team has established a clear vision for the school, aiming to cultivate lifelong learners who appreciate the diversity of human achievement. The curriculum is thoughtfully designed to ensure that pupils' learning progresses step by step across subjects. Leaders actively engage with educational research to inform their teaching strategies. For instance, in mathematics, daily practice of calculations builds pupils' confidence, while in writing, they learn to draft, proofread, and edit their work. In reading, staff teach effective techniques for retrieving important information from texts. Teachers adapt their instruction to meet individual pupils' needs, ensuring that all students follow the same curriculum and achieve well.
The school has effective systems in place to support pupils with special educational needs and disabilities, providing staff with the necessary training and resources. Leaders work diligently with external agencies to secure appropriate support for these pupils. Reading is a priority, with carefully selected texts that engage pupils and broaden their cultural knowledge. The library is a popular space for students to read and choose new books, and those needing assistance with reading receive phonics support to help them catch up with their peers.
Personal, social, and health education is well-structured, teaching pupils about healthy relationships and emotional literacy, which empowers them to seek help when needed. The school provides high-quality pastoral support, with a designated quiet space for pupils during lunchtime. The partnership with the trust and governing body is strong, providing a balance of support and challenge that drives continuous improvement.
While the school excels in many areas, there are aspects that require attention. Teachers sometimes overlook the importance of ensuring that pupils understand key vocabulary, which can hinder their ability to communicate effectively about their learning. Leaders must ensure that vocabulary instruction is consistent and that pupils' understanding is regularly checked. Additionally, safeguarding records need to be more comprehensive to reflect the actions taken to support pupils effectively. Overall, Portway Junior School continues to provide a good education, with a commitment to improvement and the well-being of its pupils.