Unsworth Primary School, located in Bury, Lancashire, has been recognized as a good school following its inspection on March 13 and 14, 2023. The school provides a supportive and nurturing environment where pupils feel happy and safe. Staff members are dedicated and skilled, ensuring that all students, including those with special educational needs and disabilities, receive the necessary support. Pupils express that they easily make friends and enjoy active playtimes, demonstrating a strong sense of community. The leadership team effectively addresses any incidents, including bullying, ensuring a positive atmosphere for learning.
The school has high expectations for academic achievement, and pupils in the specially resourced provision for those with SEND benefit from an ambitious curriculum that aligns with their peers. This inclusive approach prepares all students well for the challenges of key stage three. Behaviour expectations are equally high, with most pupils demonstrating focus and engagement in their learning. Early years children adapt quickly to established routines, contributing to a conducive learning environment.
Pupils appreciate the diversity within their school community, fostering positive attitudes towards differences. They take pride in their responsibilities and often act as role models, particularly older students who support younger peers. The curriculum is ambitious and well-structured, allowing pupils to develop a comprehensive body of knowledge. Leaders have made significant strides in refining the curriculum, ensuring that it remains relevant and effective despite recent leadership changes.
In most subjects, the curriculum is logically organized, enabling teachers to focus on essential learning objectives. This structure aids all pupils, including those with SEND, in building secure knowledge foundations. Regular assessments help ensure that pupils retain what they have learned, facilitating the understanding of new concepts. However, in a few subjects, the curriculum lacks clarity regarding the specific knowledge expected at each year level, which can hinder teachers' ability to design effective learning experiences.
Most subject leaders monitor curriculum delivery effectively, promoting opportunities for pupils to revisit and consolidate their learning. Nonetheless, some leaders require further development to support staff confidently in delivering the curriculum. Leaders are proactive in identifying and supporting pupils with SEND, ensuring they can access the full curriculum. The phonics program is delivered consistently, enabling early years children to develop strong reading skills, with most pupils achieving secure reading knowledge by Year 2.
Pupils enjoy reading and utilize their skills to acquire new information, motivated by high-quality texts provided by the school. The school has implemented effective behaviour management strategies, helping maintain high standards of conduct among pupils. The curriculum also supports pupils' broader development, covering local history, geography, and various cultures, preparing them for life in a diverse society.
Leaders prioritize staff well-being and workload management, which is appreciated by the staff. The safeguarding arrangements are robust, ensuring that all pupils, particularly those with complex needs, know how to seek help when needed. Staff are well-trained in safeguarding responsibilities, effectively identifying and addressing potential risks to pupils' welfare.
While the school has many strengths, there are areas for improvement. In a few foundation subjects, leaders need to clarify the expected knowledge for each year group to enhance teaching effectiveness. Additionally, some subject leaders require further training to support teachers in delivering the curriculum confidently. Overall, Unsworth Primary School continues to provide a good education, fostering a positive and inclusive environment for all pupils.