William Morris Primary School, located in Tadpole Garden Village, Swindon, has recently undergone its first inspection since opening in 2019. The inspection, conducted on November 22 and 23, 2023, resulted in an overall effectiveness rating of good, with several areas receiving outstanding ratings. The school is part of The Blue Kite Academy Trust, which provides additional support and oversight. The headteacher, Jo Fraser, leads a dedicated team that prioritizes the well-being and education of its pupils.
The school is characterized by a happy, friendly, and inclusive atmosphere. Pupils are engaged and excited about learning, contributing to a vibrant educational environment. The curriculum is broad and ambitious, designed to foster perseverance and resilience among students, particularly when faced with challenges. The behavior of the pupils is exemplary; they are polite, respectful, and kind to one another and to adults. The strong pastoral care provided by the staff ensures that pupils feel safe and supported, with a focus on mental health and well-being.
Early years provision at the school is exceptional, with children participating in a variety of stimulating and creative activities that capture their interest and encourage exploration. The school emphasizes cultural awareness, engaging pupils in studies of notable musicians and artists, which enriches their educational experience. Parents express high levels of satisfaction with the school, appreciating the commitment to their children's development and the efforts made to help them reach their full potential.
The school is dedicated to delivering high-quality education, with a well-structured curriculum that clearly outlines the knowledge and skills expected of pupils. Lessons are thoughtfully sequenced to enhance learning retention. Reading is prioritized from the outset, with a strong phonics program in place that supports children in becoming confident readers. The school provides targeted support for those who need it, ensuring that all pupils can keep pace with their peers.
While the school excels in many areas, there are some aspects that require improvement. In a few subjects, assessment practices do not effectively identify gaps in pupils' knowledge, which can hinder their ability to grasp new concepts. The school is encouraged to enhance its assessment strategies to ensure that all pupils build a solid foundation of knowledge across the curriculum.
The relationships between staff and pupils are positive, fostering an environment where pupils feel comfortable sharing concerns and seeking help. The early years curriculum is well-designed and effectively implemented, leading to consistent achievement among children. The school also places a strong emphasis on personal development, providing opportunities for pupils to develop life skills and take on responsibilities within the school community.
The trust that oversees the school plays a significant role in supporting staff morale and professional development, contributing to a positive working environment. Safeguarding measures are effective, ensuring the safety and well-being of all pupils. Overall, William Morris Primary School demonstrates a strong commitment to providing a high-quality education and nurturing environment for its pupils, with a clear path for continued improvement in specific areas.