Oldfield Primary School, located in Keighley, West Yorkshire, has recently undergone its first inspection since becoming an academy. The inspection, conducted on March 7 and 8, 2023, resulted in an overall effectiveness rating of good across all evaluated areas, including the quality of education, behavior and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and early years provision. The school fosters a strong sense of community, where staff prioritize making pupils feel valued and safe. Pupils report that staff are attentive to their concerns, and instances of bullying are rare, with leaders addressing any behavioral issues promptly.
The school has high expectations for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities. The curriculum is designed to help pupils retain knowledge over time, and lessons are engaging, with pupils actively participating and taking pride in their work. Social interactions among pupils are characterized by care and respect, with older students supporting younger ones. The school provides opportunities for cultural enrichment through local visits and encourages entrepreneurial skills among older pupils through initiatives like fundraising activities.
Leaders have made significant strides in curriculum development, utilizing powerful texts to enhance understanding in subjects such as evolution. However, some subject leaders face challenges in clearly defining what pupils should learn and when, particularly in mixed-age classes. This has resulted in slower progress for some pupils. To address this, leaders are implementing a training program for subject leaders and enhancing teachers' subject knowledge to improve lesson planning.
The early years curriculum is well-structured, incorporating high-quality texts to introduce children to diverse cultures. Adults in the early years setting encourage vocabulary development and resilience, helping children learn from their mistakes. The school has prioritized reading, introducing a new early reading program that staff are well-equipped to deliver. Regular assessments ensure that pupils' phonics knowledge is secure, and those struggling with reading receive daily support.
While the school has made commendable efforts in supporting pupils with special educational needs, there is a need for more detailed documentation regarding individual needs and effective adaptations. This gap has led to some pupils not making the progress they are capable of. Leaders are urged to ensure that all pupils' needs are clearly identified to enhance support.
Pupils demonstrate good behavior and engagement during lessons, and the school promotes respect for diverse cultures through assemblies and events. Leaders have established links with local schools to further develop this understanding. The school provides opportunities for pupils to develop life skills through carefully planned activities and residential visits, preparing them for life in modern Britain.
The safeguarding arrangements at Oldfield Primary School are effective, with staff receiving regular training and maintaining up-to-date safeguarding checks. Pupils have access to trusted adults for support, and they are educated on strategies to keep themselves safe, including road and online safety.
In summary, Oldfield Primary School is a good school with a strong community ethos, high expectations for learning, and effective safeguarding measures. While there are areas for improvement, particularly in curriculum clarity and support for pupils with special educational needs, the school is committed to addressing these challenges and enhancing the educational experience for all its pupils.