Hasmonean High School for Girls, located in Mill Hill, London, has recently undergone an inspection, which took place on the 20th and 21st of September 2023. The overall effectiveness of the school has been rated as good, with specific areas such as the quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, and leadership and management also receiving good ratings. Notably, personal development and sixth-form provision have been rated as outstanding. The school, which is part of the Hasmonean Multi-Academy Trust, is led by headteacher Katherine Brice and overseen by CEO Andrew McClusky and a board of trustees chaired by Gary Swabel.
Pupils at Hasmonean High School express happiness in being part of what they refer to as the ‘Hasmonean family.’ They feel safe and well cared for, with a strong emphasis on building respectful relationships among peers and staff. The school fosters a positive environment where incidents of bullying are rare, and new students receive a warm welcome, aided by a buddy system involving sixth-form students. The school maintains high expectations for all pupils, who appreciate the diverse opportunities available to them, including various educational trips and community service initiatives.
Behaviour in the school is commendable, with pupils demonstrating politeness and articulate communication. They take pride in their school and generally display positive attitudes towards learning. The curriculum is broad and ambitious, with pupils studying two languages until the end of Year 8, including modern Hebrew. The school is attentive to the needs of pupils with special educational needs and disabilities, ensuring they receive appropriate support and adaptations in their learning.
The curriculum is carefully planned and sequenced, allowing pupils to revisit key knowledge and concepts regularly. Teachers provide opportunities for practical work, particularly in science, which helps consolidate learning. However, there are instances where the pace of teaching may be too rapid, leading to gaps in understanding for some pupils. The school is aware of this and is working to ensure that checks on pupils’ understanding are more consistently applied.
Pupils are generally ambitious and eager to succeed, although there are moments when a lack of clarity regarding expectations can lead to a loss of concentration. In the sixth form, students exhibit a strong commitment to their studies, benefiting from effective support and guidance.
The school is actively working to improve attendance, with robust follow-up procedures in place for persistent absentees. Beyond academics, pupils enjoy a well-rounded personal, social, and health education curriculum that addresses important topics such as mental well-being and consent. The school promotes British values, respect, and tolerance, and engages pupils in learning about various religions and cultures.
From Year 7, pupils are introduced to a comprehensive careers programme, which includes work experience opportunities and guidance for university applications. The school collaborates with alumni and external speakers to provide high-quality interactions with potential employers and higher education institutions.
The safeguarding arrangements at Hasmonean High School are effective, ensuring the safety and well-being of all pupils. The inspection team noted the school’s commitment to creating an inclusive culture that prioritizes the interests of students. Overall, Hasmonean High School for Girls demonstrates a strong commitment to providing a quality education and fostering personal development among its pupils, while also recognizing areas for improvement in teaching practices and attendance.