St Mary’s Catholic Primary School, located in Richmond, North Yorkshire, has recently undergone its first inspection since becoming an academy in July 2019. The inspection, conducted on July 11 and 12, 2023, resulted in an overall effectiveness rating of good across all evaluated areas, including the quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and early years provision. The school has established a caring community where pupils feel safe and well-supported by knowledgeable staff. The strong connection with the local church enhances the pupils' sense of belonging and community involvement.
Leaders at St Mary’s have high expectations for pupil achievement, which is evident from the early years through to key stage two. The curriculum is thoughtfully designed to ensure that pupils develop the necessary skills for their transition to secondary education. By the end of key stage two, pupils demonstrate readiness for the next stage of their education. The school encourages pupils to take pride in their contributions to the community, such as through initiatives like a small food bank. The variety of after-school clubs, including archery, dodgeball, football, and dancing, enriches the pupils' experience and fosters a sense of responsibility through roles like eco-warriors and school councillors.
Pupils exhibit respectful behaviour towards one another and staff, contributing to a calm and orderly environment. They understand the school's expectations regarding behaviour and report that any incidents of poor behaviour are addressed effectively. The early years setting promotes happy interactions among children, and older pupils feel comfortable seeking help from staff when needed.
The school has implemented a new curriculum that supports all pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and disadvantaged pupils, in developing a rich understanding of various subjects. The curriculum is well-organized, allowing knowledge to build progressively from early years to Year 6. Teachers demonstrate strong subject knowledge and effectively implement the curriculum, enabling pupils to articulate their learning confidently. For instance, in science, pupils use scientific vocabulary accurately.
However, there are areas for improvement. Some assessment systems are still being developed, leading to inconsistencies in identifying gaps in pupils' understanding. Additionally, while leaders have prioritized the identification of pupils with SEND, some adaptations in teaching do not fully meet individual needs, which can hinder the consolidation of their understanding.
In early years, a structured approach to phonics is in place, with staff well-trained in early reading. This has resulted in nearly all pupils becoming confident readers by the end of Year 2. The school provides a wide range of reading materials, fostering a love for reading among pupils. Targeted support is available for those who may fall behind.
Leaders prioritize mental health and well-being, promoting awareness of equality and diversity among pupils. This prepares them for future challenges in life. The governing body is actively involved in supporting and challenging school leaders, ensuring a shared vision for pupil achievement. Staff appreciate the support provided by leaders and the manageable workload initiatives.
The safeguarding arrangements are effective, with staff trained to identify and support vulnerable pupils. Pupils are educated on how to stay safe both online and offline, fostering a culture of openness regarding any discomfort they may experience. Overall, St Mary’s Catholic Primary School demonstrates a commitment to providing a supportive and effective educational environment, with clear areas identified for further development to enhance the learning experience for all pupils.