Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School, located in Northallerton, North Yorkshire, has recently undergone a significant transformation under the leadership of Executive Headteacher Paul Conway. The school, which is part of the Nicholas Postgate Catholic Academy Trust, has been rated as good in all areas during its first inspection under the Education Act 2005. The inspection took place on March 19 and 20, 2024, and the findings reflect a positive trajectory for the school.
Pupils at Sacred Heart are encouraged to embody the school’s vision of being the best they can be. They take pride in their roles, with older students serving as sports leaders and buddies to younger children. The school fosters a safe and inclusive environment where kindness prevails, and instances of poor behavior are rare. Pupils understand the school’s expectations and appreciate the emphasis on celebrating their achievements. The early years provision is particularly well-designed, promoting social interaction and confidence among children.
The quality of education at Sacred Heart is commendable, with a well-structured curriculum that has been developed with the support of the trust. Pupils are engaged in their lessons and maintain positive relationships with their teachers. The curriculum extends beyond academics, equipping pupils with essential life skills and a strong understanding of safety both online and offline. They actively participate in charitable activities and leadership roles, such as being house captains and members of the school council.
Despite the overall positive assessment, the school has identified areas for improvement, particularly in mathematics. While the curriculum is ambitious, the implementation is inconsistent across subjects. Some teaching does not align with the school’s high expectations, particularly for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities. Gaps in mathematical knowledge are not always effectively identified or addressed. However, the early years program demonstrates strong development in mathematical understanding, as evidenced by children’s enthusiasm during related activities.
Reading is a strong focus at Sacred Heart, with a positive culture established from the nursery level. Children engage with stories and develop listening skills in preparation for phonics lessons. Staff are well-trained to deliver daily phonics instruction, ensuring that pupils who fall behind receive additional support to catch up. The school also offers a variety of well-planned reading activities in key stage two, enhancing pupils’ literacy skills.
The school promotes personal and social development in an environment where bullying is not tolerated. Pupils are educated about the various forms of bullying and embrace values such as tolerance, friendship, and equality. The early years staff emphasize relationship-building among children, fostering cooperative play and resource sharing.
While pupils generally enjoy attending school, attendance rates for some students fall below national averages. Leaders are prioritizing attendance improvement by working closely with families to identify and address barriers. The school’s pre-school club also aids in ensuring punctuality.
The recent changes in leadership and the transition to a multi-academy trust have facilitated rapid improvements. Parents express overwhelming satisfaction with the current provision, and staff feel valued and heard by leadership. The governing body is well-informed about the school’s strengths and areas needing development. As the school continues to refine its curriculum and leadership capacity, it is poised for further success. The safeguarding arrangements are effective, ensuring a safe environment for all pupils. Overall, Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School is on a promising path, with a commitment to continuous improvement and excellence in education.