Haberdashers’ Slade Green Primary School, located in Erith, Kent, has recently undergone an inspection that highlighted its overall effectiveness as good. The inspection took place on February 28 and 29, 2024, and evaluated various aspects of the school, including the quality of education, behavior and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and early years provision, all of which were rated as good, except for personal development, which was rated as outstanding. The school is part of the Haberdashers’ Academies Trust South, with Jan Mintram serving as the principal and Jan Shadick as the chief executive officer.
The school is committed to high ambitions for its pupils, with leaders actively addressing the challenges faced by some students. Pupils express appreciation for the curriculum, which prepares them for future success. Personal development is a central focus, with opportunities for cultural enrichment woven throughout the curriculum. Educational visits are well-planned, allowing pupils to learn about diverse cultures and places of worship. For instance, Year 5 students visited the Crofton Roman Villa, while Year 2 students explored minibeasts at a local farm. All pupils participate in these enriching activities, which enhance their learning experiences.
Pupils are encouraged to take on leadership roles, representing their peers in various capacities, including the school parliament and as digital, reading, and well-being leaders. They also engage in community projects, such as the ‘uniform united’ scheme, which recycles and provides free school clothing. The school offers a wide range of after-school clubs, including dance, sports, and choir, which pupils enjoy and participate in enthusiastically.
Governance at the school is strong, with trustees providing effective support and challenge to school leaders. This has led to significant improvements in the curriculum, which has been carefully reviewed and developed to ensure coherent content delivery. Staff have reported a reduction in workload and an increase in subject knowledge as a result of these changes. The school is also focused on embedding a clear progression of knowledge and skills across all foundation subjects, including early years education.
Pupils demonstrate confidence and enthusiasm in their learning, with older students discussing scientific inquiries and younger children exploring number bonds. The school has established robust systems to identify pupils with special educational needs and disabilities, ensuring that support plans are co-produced with external professionals. However, there are instances where adaptations for these pupils are not consistently implemented, which can hinder their access to the curriculum.
The school prioritizes the development of speech, language, and communication skills, with younger children engaging in rhymes and songs to enhance their learning. Pupils are exposed to a diverse range of texts, fostering a love for reading. Their positive attitudes towards learning are evident, as they listen attentively and respond well to instruction. Attendance is also a priority, with leaders implementing strategies to address persistent absenteeism.
The personal, social, health, and economic education program is a notable strength, promoting values such as aspiration and personal responsibility. Pupils are encouraged to pursue their interests through various clubs and events, and the school has established strong partnerships with the local Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller community, fostering mutual respect and understanding among pupils.
The safeguarding arrangements at the school are effective, ensuring a safe environment for all students. While the school excels in many areas, it is recommended that leaders ensure consistent adaptations for pupils with special educational needs and those struggling with the curriculum to enhance their learning experiences. Overall, Haberdashers’ Slade Green Primary School demonstrates a commitment to providing a high-quality education and fostering personal development among its pupils.