Whale Hill Primary School, located in Eston, Middlesbrough, was inspected by Ofsted on 19 and 20 October 2021. The school received an overall effectiveness rating of good across all areas, including the quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and early years provision. This was the first routine inspection since the school converted to academy status in September 2019, following a previous outstanding judgment before its conversion.
The school is characterized by a strong sense of community, with pupils describing it as a family where everyone looks after one another. Relationships between staff and families are built on trust, and parents express high levels of loyalty and appreciation for the efforts made by the school during the COVID-19 pandemic to ensure the safety and well-being of families. Pupils understand the importance of good behaviour and regular attendance, demonstrating a desire to achieve and aspire to future success.
Leaders at Whale Hill Primary School have designed a well-sequenced curriculum that enables pupils to retain knowledge effectively. The school promotes a calm and safe learning environment, with pupils behaving well during lessons and social times. Instances of bullying are rare, and when they do occur, staff manage them effectively. The curriculum has been reviewed across all subjects, with teachers regularly assessing pupils' learning and adapting instruction to address any gaps.
The school is committed to meeting the needs of pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). The special educational needs coordinator works closely with teachers to ensure that agreed targets are implemented, helping these pupils to make good progress. The early years curriculum focuses on developing vocabulary and communication skills, with staff trained to support non-verbal children using methods such as Makaton and British Sign Language.
Phonics instruction begins early, with teachers ensuring that pupils keep pace with the phonics programme. However, it has been identified that some reading books in Year 1 do not align with pupils' phonics knowledge, which can hinder the progress of less-able readers. The school is addressing this issue by allocating funds for new reading materials.
Pupils demonstrate a mature understanding of bullying and are respectful and tolerant of others, including those from different backgrounds. The school promotes financial literacy through initiatives such as an eco-shop run by older pupils and plans for a school bank to encourage saving. Leaders also provide careers education, exposing pupils to various training opportunities and helping them understand different career paths.
Professional development for early career teachers is prioritized, with mentors receiving adequate time to support new staff effectively. The school’s safeguarding arrangements are robust, with well-trained staff who are approachable and trusted by pupils. The designated safeguarding leads benefit from supportive meetings that help manage their responsibilities.
Overall, Whale Hill Primary School is a well-managed institution that fosters a positive learning environment, supports the diverse needs of its pupils, and prepares them for future challenges. The school is committed to continuous improvement, with leaders actively seeking to enhance the educational experience for all students.