Hope Valley College, located in Hope Valley, Derbyshire, underwent an inspection on October 24 and 25, 2023. The overall effectiveness of the school was rated as good across various categories, including the quality of education, behavior and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and sixth-form provision. The principal, Gaynor Jones, leads the school, which is part of the Chorus Education Trust, overseen by CEO Chris James and a board of trustees chaired by John Jex.
The school has established high expectations for student achievement and behavior, which most pupils meet. Students express enjoyment in their school experience and report positive relationships with peers. The sixth form is described as a close-knit community, likened to a family. The school implements a clear behavior management system known as chance, choice, consequence, which students believe contributes to their good behavior. Teachers are perceived as fair and consistent, fostering a calm and safe learning environment. Pupils feel secure and know whom to approach with concerns.
Hope Valley College offers a variety of extracurricular activities that promote wider development. Many students participate in the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award scheme and enjoy using the library for reading and games. Opportunities for involvement in school life include roles as student ambassadors and reading buddies, alongside various clubs such as jazz band, netball, Formula 1 club, and movie club.
The curriculum is ambitious and inclusive, catering for all students, including those with special educational needs and disabilities. The school has successfully increased the profile of modern foreign languages, resulting in more students opting to study a language at key stage four. Teachers are well-informed about the curriculum content and timelines, which aids in effective delivery. Most lessons begin with recap activities to reinforce prior learning, although some teachers do not consistently verify students' understanding of these activities, leading to potential gaps in knowledge.
Instruction is generally clear, with teachers effectively questioning students to deepen their understanding. However, there are instances where teachers overlook the importance of correct punctuation and presentation in students' work, resulting in repeated errors and lower quality outputs. The school is committed to ensuring that all students develop strong reading skills, utilizing assessments to identify those needing additional support. Regular reading assistance helps boost confidence among struggling readers, and library lessons encourage a love for reading.
The school effectively identifies the needs of students with SEND, providing teachers with the necessary information to support these pupils in accessing the curriculum. The sixth form offers tailored support for students with SEND, ensuring they receive individualized assistance and opportunities for independence through work experience and study programs.
Behavior management is well-structured, with positive relationships between staff and students. The school recognizes the barriers some students face regarding attendance and provides support to improve their situation. Personal development is prioritized, with students learning about online safety, healthy lifestyles, and the importance of treating others with respect. However, some students lack a solid understanding of fundamental British values, indicating a need for more opportunities to explore these concepts.
Overall, the leadership and management of the school are effective, with staff expressing pride in their work and feeling supported. The trust has provided adequate support, ensuring the school has the capacity for further improvement. Safeguarding measures are deemed effective, contributing to a safe educational environment. The inspection highlighted areas for improvement, including the need for teachers to consistently check students' understanding and presentation of work, as well as enhancing students' comprehension of British values.