Harris Academy Ockendon, located in South Ockendon, has recently undergone an inspection by Ofsted, resulting in an overall effectiveness rating of outstanding. The inspection took place on 27 and 28 February 2024, marking the first routine inspection since the school became part of the Harris Federation. The principal, Jo Rainey, leads a dedicated team under the oversight of Sir Daniel Moynihan, the chief executive officer of the trust. The school serves a diverse student body of 1,441 pupils, including 240 in the sixth form, and caters to students aged 11 to 18.
The quality of education at Harris Academy Ockendon is exceptional, with a curriculum designed to meet the needs of all students. The school has established clear expectations for what pupils should learn by the end of each key stage, ensuring a structured and coherent educational experience. Teachers employ effective pedagogical strategies, such as the 'Silent Do Now' task, to engage students and reinforce prior learning. This approach has led to high levels of academic achievement, with pupils consistently performing well in their GCSEs, including those in the English Baccalaureate.
Pupils at Harris Academy Ockendon demonstrate a strong commitment to their education, characterized by attentiveness and hard work in lessons. The school fosters a supportive environment where older students mentor younger ones, contributing to a culture of collaboration and mutual respect. The school parliament plays an active role in promoting student voice, ensuring that pupils feel valued and heard within the school community.
The range of enrichment activities available to students is extensive, including trips, clubs, and special events designed to enhance their educational experience. These opportunities not only broaden pupils' horizons but also contribute to their personal development. The school places a strong emphasis on personal, social, and health education, equipping students with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate modern society and understand their responsibilities as citizens.
Behaviour and attitudes at the school are exemplary. Pupils exhibit respect for their teachers and peers, creating a calm and conducive learning environment. The school has established clear routines that pupils follow diligently, and any instances of misbehaviour are addressed promptly and effectively. This proactive approach to behaviour management contributes to a safe and pleasant atmosphere throughout the school.
Leadership and management at Harris Academy Ockendon are also outstanding. The school leaders are committed to continuous improvement and have implemented robust training programs for staff, empowering them to excel in their roles. This focus on professional development has resulted in a highly skilled teaching workforce capable of meeting the diverse needs of all pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities.
The school's safeguarding arrangements are effective, ensuring that pupils are protected and supported throughout their educational journey. The leadership team prioritizes the well-being of students, fostering an open and positive culture around safeguarding.
Overall, Harris Academy Ockendon stands out as a model of educational excellence, providing pupils with a rich and fulfilling learning experience. The school's unwavering commitment to high standards, combined with its supportive and inclusive environment, positions it as a leading institution within the Harris Federation. The positive feedback from staff and the strong sense of community further underscore the school's success in transforming the educational landscape for its pupils.