Ofsted conducted a monitoring inspection of The Harbour School on September 19, 2023, following its designation of serious weaknesses after the graded inspection in December 2022. The purpose of this inspection was to assess the progress made by the school since the last evaluation, rather than to assign an overall effectiveness grade. The inspection involved discussions with the headteacher, senior leaders, trustees, local authority representatives, and staff, as well as classroom visits and reviews of student work and documentation.
The findings indicate that while some progress has been made, further work is required for the school to no longer be classified as having serious weaknesses. The school is urged to develop improvement plans that outline clear and measurable actions aligned with the areas identified for improvement in the previous inspection. Governance must hold the school accountable for the pace of these improvements and provide effective support and challenge.
Significant staffing changes have occurred since the last inspection, including the appointment of a new headteacher and 17 additional staff members. This restructuring aims to stabilize the leadership team, although some vacancies remain. The trust has centralized recruitment processes to further enhance staff stability. The school is also reviewing its curriculum to better meet the needs of its pupils. Investments have been made to improve teacher subject knowledge in core subjects, and each campus now has a curriculum focus team. However, while there is ambition for a broad and balanced curriculum, the planning for core subjects is still in its early stages and requires further development, particularly in sequencing knowledge and skills across foundation subjects.
The curriculum for older pupils is being tailored towards relevant qualifications and vocational pathways, with a new individualized approach being implemented for those needing bespoke education. This includes support for reading, although the impact of these changes is not yet fully evident. Staff are aware of the importance of addressing barriers to reading, and a new phonics program has been adopted, with staff recently trained to deliver it. Consistency in teaching reading remains a work in progress.
The new headteacher has expressed a commitment to reviewing the school's behavior policy, as inconsistencies in pupil behavior and staff expectations persist across campuses. Plans are in place for new staff to receive training in positive behavior support. Alongside establishing consistent behavior expectations, there is a recognized need to improve the school’s physical environment. While some repairs have been made, many more improvements are necessary to create a conducive learning environment.
A priority since the last inspection has been to stabilize the staff team, and the trust's initial implementation plan focused on this goal. To accelerate change, it is essential to create clear plans that articulate key improvement priorities, enabling accountability at all leadership levels. Governance must also ensure that the pace of change is adequate and provide necessary support to the school.
Safeguarding processes have seen significant improvements, with whole-staff training conducted to clarify responsibilities. A new designated safeguarding lead has been appointed, streamlining systems for recording and acting on safeguarding information. The collaboration between the school, the trust, and the local authority is positive, with ongoing discussions to secure appropriate support for the most complex pupil needs. The inspection highlights the need for continued efforts to ensure that the school meets the educational needs of its pupils effectively.