Willow Primary Academy is a caring and inclusive school located in Tuffley, Gloucester. The school has recently undergone its first inspection since becoming an academy and has received a rating of good in all areas, including overall effectiveness, quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and early years provision. The headteacher, Pete Hales, has been instrumental in fostering a positive environment where staff feel part of a cohesive team, dedicated to ensuring that all pupils reach their full potential. The school is part of the SAND Academies Trust, which provides additional support and oversight.
The school community is strong, with many parents expressing high levels of satisfaction. They appreciate the school's commitment to its values, which include respect, determination, and excellence. Pupils feel safe and supported, with adults readily available to address any concerns. Although there were past incidents of bullying, older students report that these issues have been effectively resolved, contributing to a caring atmosphere where pupils are thoughtful and respectful towards one another.
Willow Primary Academy offers a well-structured curriculum that prioritizes reading from the moment children enter Reception. Staff are well-trained in phonics instruction, ensuring that pupils develop strong reading skills early on. The curriculum is ambitious, and while published outcomes in key stage two may appear low, this does not reflect the quality of education currently being provided. Teachers are adept at identifying pupils who require additional support, and the school has implemented effective strategies to help these students succeed.
The school provides a wide range of extracurricular activities, including residential experiences that help pupils develop resilience. The curriculum is designed to build knowledge over time, particularly in subjects like mathematics, where key concepts are revisited regularly. However, there are areas for improvement, particularly in writing, where some pupils in key stage two struggle with fluency and accuracy due to gaps in their knowledge and skills. The school recognizes the need to enhance its approach to teaching writing to ensure that all pupils can express themselves effectively.
Assessment practices are also an area that requires further development. In some subjects, the use of assessment is not fully established, which limits teachers' understanding of whether pupils have learned the intended curriculum. The school and the trust are committed to improving these practices to better inform curriculum planning and support pupils' learning.
Pupils with special educational needs and disabilities are well-supported, benefiting from tailored teaching approaches that enable them to thrive within the curriculum. The specially resourced provision for these pupils is characterized by warm and caring relationships, contributing to a positive learning environment.
Overall, Willow Primary Academy has established a positive learning culture where pupils are happy and engaged. The school prepares students well for life in modern Britain, instilling values that promote respect and individuality. The leadership team is aware of the school's strengths and areas for improvement, and they are dedicated to ensuring that all pupils achieve their best. The commitment to continuous improvement and the strong community support position Willow Primary Academy as a school that is on a positive trajectory for future success.