Queensmill School, located in Shepherds Bush, London, underwent an inspection on February 22 and 23, 2023, and received an overall effectiveness rating of good. The school caters to pupils aged three to 25, all of whom have special educational needs and/or disabilities, particularly autism spectrum disorder. The inspection highlighted that pupils enjoy their time at school, appreciating the calm routines established by the staff. Leaders prioritize providing opportunities for pupils to make choices and engage in activities that foster their confidence and independence.
The quality of education at Queensmill School is rated as good, with leaders ensuring that pupils are expected to achieve well and work hard. Staff effectively adapt lessons to meet the diverse needs of pupils, helping them understand the material and recognize their learning progress. The school offers a wide range of ambitious activities, including residential trips and public performances, which contribute to a rich educational experience. The personal, social, health, and economic curriculum is utilized effectively to help pupils understand their feelings and broaden their perspectives.
Behaviour and attitudes among pupils are also rated as good. Instances of bullying are rare, and staff are proactive in addressing any concerns. Pupils demonstrate considerate behaviour towards one another and feel secure in the supportive environment created by the staff. The school has made significant improvements since its previous inspection, where it was rated inadequate, particularly in safeguarding practices. The current safeguarding arrangements are effective, with staff trained to recognize and report concerns, ensuring that pupils are kept safe.
While the curriculum is generally well-designed, there are areas that require further development. Some subjects lack clarity in terms of what pupils need to learn and the sequence of instruction. Additionally, there is variability in teachers' confidence in using assessment materials to gauge pupil understanding. Leaders are actively working to improve these aspects by clearly identifying key concepts and enhancing teachers' skills in assessment.
Subject leaders are aware of the strengths and areas for improvement within their subjects, and teachers collaborate effectively with support staff and therapists to create engaging lessons tailored to pupils' needs. The school emphasizes the importance of teaching skills that will help pupils lead independent and fulfilling lives in the future. Teachers demonstrate secure subject knowledge and utilize appropriate resources to make learning enjoyable and accessible.
Pupils are encouraged to develop independence in managing their behaviour and are supported in using strategies to refocus on learning when needed. The school promotes personal development through various activities, including voting for school councillors and participating in work experience programs. Pupils learn about different cultures and artistic traditions through visits to museums and performances.
Overall, Queensmill School has made commendable progress in providing a good quality of education and fostering a positive learning environment. The leadership team is committed to continuous improvement, ensuring that pupils receive the support they need to thrive academically and personally. The school is well-regarded by staff, who appreciate the clarity of expectations and the consideration given to their well-being. The inspection team recognized the effective measures in place for safeguarding and the positive impact of the school's initiatives on pupil development and learning outcomes.