Stoneham Park Primary Academy, located in North Stoneham Park, Eastleigh, Hampshire, has undergone its first inspection since opening in September 2020. The inspection, conducted on February 2 and 3, 2023, resulted in an overall effectiveness rating of good, with specific areas such as behaviour and attitudes rated as outstanding. The school has established a positive environment where pupils exhibit exceptional behaviour, motivated by high expectations set by the leadership. Clear routines contribute to a culture of kindness and respect among students, who feel safe and supported by staff.
Pupils engage in various enriching activities, including the popular Forest Fridays, where they learn about wildlife and participate in outdoor activities, such as toasting marshmallows. The school encourages pupils to take initiative through committees, such as the eco-committee, which promotes environmental awareness and community involvement. Leaders are committed to integrating the school into the local community, fostering relationships with local organizations, including a nearby sixth-form college, which enhances pupils' learning experiences through workshops.
The curriculum is designed to be relevant and engaging, starting from early years education. Leaders have worked diligently to ensure that most subjects are well-defined, although some foundation subjects still require further development. Reading is prioritized across the curriculum, with initiatives like the Stoneham Book Club encouraging family involvement in literacy. Staff are trained in a consistent phonics-based approach, enabling pupils to read effectively and enjoyably. Rigorous monitoring ensures that those at risk of falling behind receive timely support.
Teachers demonstrate strong subject knowledge and utilize a variety of resources to enhance learning, particularly in mathematics, where pupils are encouraged to deepen their understanding. However, there are areas for improvement, particularly in early years, where opportunities for developing language and communication skills could be maximized. In some subjects, clarity regarding what to teach and assess is still being established, which can hinder pupils' retention of knowledge.
The school promotes values of diversity and acceptance, with pupils expressing enthusiasm for learning about different perspectives. Assemblies and visits from inspirational figures, such as a Paralympian, reinforce the importance of resilience and compassion. The governing body is actively involved, providing support and challenge to ensure the best outcomes for pupils. There is a commitment to professional development, with staff benefiting from shared expertise across the trust.
Safeguarding measures are effective, with staff well-trained to identify and report concerns. A culture of information-sharing ensures that pupils feel safe and know whom to approach with worries. The school has a family well-being coordinator to provide additional support to families in need.
To enhance its effectiveness, the school needs to ensure that all staff are equipped to support children's communication and language development consistently. Additionally, leaders should complete the work on defining the curriculum in foundation subjects to ensure that pupils can learn and remember effectively. Overall, Stoneham Park Primary Academy is making significant strides in providing a quality education and fostering a supportive community for its pupils.