Stuart Bathurst Catholic High School, located in Wednesbury, West Midlands, has undergone significant improvements since becoming an academy in April 2020. The school is part of the St John Bosco Catholic Academy trust, which has provided strong support and oversight. The recent inspection conducted on 23 and 24 April 2024 rated the school as good in all areas, including overall effectiveness, quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and sixth-form provision.
The headteacher, Richard May, who serves as the executive principal, has been instrumental in driving the school's progress. The refurbishment of the school building and the implementation of a more ambitious curriculum have contributed to a positive atmosphere where pupils take pride in their learning environment. Students express confidence in the curriculum changes, believing they are being prepared for future success. The majority of pupils demonstrate a strong work ethic and take pride in their achievements.
Behavioural expectations are high, and most pupils meet these standards. The introduction of a behaviour curriculum has helped students understand the impact of their choices on others. While most pupils feel respected, there are instances where some students do not fully embrace the school's culture of respect, leading to feelings of undervaluation among their peers. The school is actively working to address these issues and ensure that all students feel valued.
The school offers high-quality careers guidance, and students appreciate the variety of extracurricular activities available, including clubs and trips. The curriculum has been carefully sequenced to support learning progression, and assessments are used effectively to inform future teaching. However, there are areas for improvement, particularly in ensuring that all teachers consistently check for understanding during lessons to address misconceptions promptly.
The school has made commendable strides in supporting pupils with special educational needs and disabilities. A robust process for identifying additional needs has been established, and staff training has enhanced the learning experience for these students. The Archangel Centre provides essential support for pupils who may struggle to remain in school, ensuring they receive the care they need.
Despite the positive developments, attendance remains a challenge, with levels of absence and persistent absence still too high. The school is committed to improving attendance through targeted work with pupils and their families, recognizing that consistent attendance is crucial for academic success.
The trust's support has been vital in the school's journey of improvement, and the majority of parents and carers now view the school positively. Staff feel valued and supported, contributing to a collaborative environment that fosters growth and development for both pupils and educators.
In summary, Stuart Bathurst Catholic High School has made significant progress since its transition to an academy, achieving a good rating across all inspection areas. The school is focused on maintaining this momentum, addressing areas for improvement, and ensuring that all pupils receive a high-quality education in a supportive and respectful environment. The commitment to continuous improvement and the well-being of students is evident in the school's ongoing efforts to enhance the educational experience for all.