Goldthorpe Primary Academy, located in South Yorkshire, has recently undergone an inspection, receiving an overall effectiveness rating of good. The inspection took place on the 24th and 25th of October 2023, marking the first routine inspection since the school became an academy in December 2020. The head of the academy, Thomas Jay Bower, leads the school, which is part of the Delta Academies Trust. The trust is overseen by CEO Paul Terence Tarn and a board of trustees chaired by Steven Peter Hodsman.
Pupils at Goldthorpe Primary Academy thrive in an environment that emphasizes high expectations and strong values such as respect, kindness, and courage. The school fosters a positive atmosphere where students feel safe and happy, and strong relationships between staff and pupils contribute to a supportive learning environment. Behaviour is commendable, with pupils demonstrating calmness, respect, and politeness throughout the school day. They engage actively in lessons, showing attentiveness and a willingness to learn.
The school offers a diverse range of extracurricular activities, allowing pupils to explore new skills and interests. Participation in sports clubs, creative arts, and writing clubs is encouraged, with nearly half of the student body taking part. The school aims to increase access to these opportunities for disadvantaged pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities. Older pupils take on leadership roles, supporting their peers and engaging in community service through various initiatives.
Goldthorpe Primary Academy is committed to providing a high-quality education for all pupils, including those with special educational needs. The curriculum is well-structured in many subjects, particularly in mathematics and history, where lessons are designed to reinforce prior learning. However, there are areas, such as religious education and languages, where pupils' knowledge is less secure, indicating a need for further development in these subjects.
Reading is prioritized at the school, with a consistent phonics program delivered by knowledgeable staff. Early years pupils receive a strong foundation in reading, with support provided for those who struggle. The early years curriculum effectively prepares children for the next stage of their education, fostering cooperation and strong relationships among peers and adults.
The school places a strong emphasis on personal development, planning for pupils to cultivate their strengths and aspirations. Local role models are celebrated, helping to inspire high aspirations among students. Pupils are well-prepared for life in a diverse society, engaging in discussions about important issues and learning to keep themselves safe, including online.
Goldthorpe Primary Academy provides exceptional pastoral support, helping pupils build confidence and manage their emotions. Clear routines and consistent expectations contribute to a positive behaviour culture, with the school actively working to improve attendance through close collaboration with families.
The school's membership in the Delta Academies Trust significantly benefits its operations, with shared ambitions for all pupils' success. Staff feel supported and receive regular professional development opportunities, contributing to a positive working environment.
While the school excels in many areas, it must continue to develop the curriculum across all subjects to ensure that pupils build their knowledge consistently. The commitment to improvement and the strong foundation laid by the leadership team position Goldthorpe Primary Academy as a school dedicated to the success and well-being of its pupils.