Milefield Primary School, located in Grimethorpe, Barnsley, has recently undergone an inspection, resulting in an overall effectiveness rating of good. The inspection took place on March 12 and 13, 2024, and evaluated various aspects of the school, including the quality of education, behavior and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and early years provision, all of which were rated as good, except for personal development, which was rated as outstanding.
The head of school, James McClure, leads a dedicated team within the HCAT multi-academy trust, overseen by CEO Tom Banham and a board of trustees chaired by Alan Richards. The school prides itself on serving its community and places a strong emphasis on the well-being and development of its pupils. Leaders encourage students to aspire to their fullest potential, providing high-quality learning opportunities that extend beyond the classroom.
Pupils at Milefield Primary School feel safe and supported, with adults in the school fostering a caring environment. The behavior of students is commendable, and instances of bullying are rare. The school promotes a strong sense of community, allowing pupils to take on leadership roles, such as participating in the pupil parliament and acting as curriculum ambassadors. These roles help develop their personal skills and encourage active participation in school life.
Since its previous inspection, the school has made significant improvements, particularly in the curriculum, which is now rich and ambitious. The quality of education has notably improved, and pupils' outcomes at the end of key stage two reflect this progress. Parents and carers express pride in the school, highlighting the positive changes that have taken place.
The curriculum is a notable strength, clearly outlining the essential knowledge pupils need to acquire. A high percentage of students are well-prepared for secondary education by the end of Year six. Leaders and staff have implemented effective strategies to support learning, although there are areas for improvement, particularly in the consistency of checking pupils' understanding across lessons. Some pupils struggle to retain and recall what they have learned due to gaps in learning not being addressed promptly.
The school effectively supports disadvantaged pupils, ensuring they achieve well through high-quality teaching. Pupils with special educational needs and disabilities are fully included in all aspects of school life, with leaders quickly identifying their needs and providing appropriate support. Early reading instruction is delivered consistently, with staff trained to ensure pupils develop strong phonics knowledge.
Milefield Primary School is committed to improving attendance, employing various strategies to enhance pupil presence. While most students are showing improvement, a minority still face challenges with attendance, impacting their overall progress.
The provision for personal development is exemplary, equipping pupils with the knowledge and skills necessary for life in modern Britain. Students learn about diverse cultures, faiths, and relationships, fostering respect for individual differences. They also gain a strong understanding of online safety and participate in various clubs and community initiatives, enhancing their social responsibility.
Leaders at all levels are dedicated to supporting the Milefield community, aiming to provide pupils with the best possible start in life. The trust's board and local committee are well-informed about the school and prioritize the professional development of staff, who feel supported and proud to work at Milefield. The arrangements for safeguarding are effective, ensuring a safe environment for all pupils. Overall, the school demonstrates a commitment to continuous improvement and the well-being of its students.