Saint Edmund Arrowsmith Catholic Academy, located in Whiston, Liverpool, underwent its first inspection under the Education Act 2005 on April 17 and 18, 2024. The overall effectiveness of the school was rated as requiring improvement, alongside the quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, and leadership and management. The headteacher, Lee Peachey, leads the school, which is part of the Pope Francis Catholic Multi Academy Trust, overseen by CEO Andrew Dawson and chair Isobel Macdonald-Davies.
The inspection revealed that staff foster positive relationships with pupils, contributing to a generally happy school environment where students feel safe. However, while the school has made improvements in the quality of education, inconsistencies in curriculum delivery mean that pupils learn better in some subjects than others. The school has raised expectations for pupil behaviour, and while most students behave calmly during transitions and break times, a small minority disrupt lessons, affecting the learning experience for others.
The school has expanded its extra-curricular offerings, with pupils expressing enthusiasm for activities such as theatre visits, music and sports competitions, and various after-school clubs. The school has taken effective steps to address previous curriculum weaknesses, ensuring that all pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities, study a broad range of subjects. The proportion of pupils studying the English Baccalaureate is increasing, and the curriculum is designed to clearly outline essential knowledge for staff.
Most teachers demonstrate strong subject knowledge, and the school provides opportunities for professional development where needed. However, there is variability in curriculum delivery across subjects, with some teachers not employing the most effective methods to facilitate understanding. This inconsistency can lead to gaps in pupils' knowledge and hinder their learning progress.
The school has improved its identification of pupils with special educational needs, ensuring they receive appropriate support. However, some teachers still struggle to adapt their teaching methods effectively for these pupils, limiting their achievement. Reading has been prioritized, with strategies in place to support struggling readers, resulting in improved fluency and access to the curriculum.
Following an increase in poor behaviour, the school has revised its behaviour management procedures, leading to a decline in suspensions and a general improvement in behaviour. Nonetheless, inconsistent application of the behaviour policy by some staff continues to allow disruptions in lessons.
The school is actively working to improve attendance rates, particularly for disadvantaged pupils and those with special educational needs. While overall attendance is beginning to rise, some students still do not attend regularly enough to benefit fully from the curriculum.
Personal development is a priority, with a well-designed personal, social, and health education programme that addresses current pupil needs. However, the delivery of this curriculum is not consistent across the school, resulting in some pupils being less prepared for life beyond school.
The school organizes a variety of careers lessons and events, ensuring pupils are well-informed about future options, including work experience opportunities for Year 10 students. The trust and school leadership have identified key improvement priorities and are implementing changes at a sustainable pace, supported by the appointment of experienced staff.
The safeguarding arrangements are effective, ensuring a safe environment for all pupils. The inspection highlighted several areas for improvement, including the need for consistent curriculum delivery, better checking of pupil understanding, effective support for pupils with special educational needs, consistent behaviour management, and strategies to improve attendance. The school is encouraged to continue its efforts to address these challenges to enhance the educational experience for all pupils.