Mundella Primary School, located in Folkestone, Kent, has recently undergone an inspection, resulting in an overall effectiveness rating of good. The school, which is part of the Veritas Multi-Academy Trust, is led by acting co-headteachers Lisa Paez and Lauren Wharmby. The inspection took place on 22 and 23 May 2024, and it was noted that the school has not been previously inspected under section five of the Education Act 2005.
Pupils at Mundella Primary School enjoy attending, benefiting from a calm and nurturing environment that fosters inclusivity and positivity. The school emphasizes the importance of building trusting relationships between staff and students, which contributes to a sense of safety and happiness among pupils. The school is committed to ensuring that all students, including those with special educational needs and disabilities, as well as those who speak English as an additional language, achieve their best. This commitment is reflected in the school’s motto, Aspire and Achieve, and is echoed by parents who appreciate the encouragement their children receive.
The curriculum at Mundella Primary School is broad and ambitious, with a clear focus on essential skills and knowledge from Reception to Year Six. The school has made significant improvements in pupils' achievements in mathematics and writing, ensuring that children are well-prepared for their transition to Year One. The learning environment, both indoors and outdoors, supports the development of early reading, writing, and number skills while also inspiring curiosity and independence. Staff are adept at identifying the needs of pupils, ensuring equal opportunities for all learners.
Reading is prioritized within the school, with children in Reception engaging in rhymes, songs, and a love for books. Phonics skills are taught effectively, and additional support is provided for pupils who may struggle. The school promotes a culture of reading for pleasure, encouraging pupils to read widely and often.
While the current work of pupils indicates that most are learning and achieving well, there are areas for improvement. Teachers generally explain new concepts clearly and check on pupils' understanding, but there are instances where these checks could be more effective. Additionally, some pupils may not receive adequate support to recall prior learning consistently. The school recognizes these areas and is committed to enhancing the effectiveness of learning across all subjects.
Mundella Primary School offers a variety of experiences to broaden pupils' horizons, including trips to local attractions and a range of extracurricular activities. The school fosters respect and acceptance among pupils from diverse backgrounds, teaching them to listen to and respect differing opinions.
The staff team is strong, with a focus on well-being and workload considerations. While most staff feel supported, a few have expressed a desire for more assistance in managing challenging behaviors from a small number of pupils. The school, trust, and governors work collaboratively to create a positive impact on every pupil's education.
The arrangements for safeguarding at Mundella Primary School are effective, ensuring that pupils' safety and well-being are prioritized. The school has the capacity for further improvement, with a clear vision and commitment to enhancing the educational experience for all students. Overall, the inspection highlights the school's dedication to providing a supportive and effective learning environment for its pupils.