Stafford Junior School, located in Eastbourne, East Sussex, has recently undergone an inspection, receiving an overall effectiveness rating of good. The inspection took place from July 10 to July 11, 2024. The school is led by Executive Headteacher Kyra Siddall-Ward and Head of School Corrine Crawford, and it operates under the Cavendish Education Trust. The school serves students aged 7 to 11 and has a current enrollment of 355 pupils.
Pupils at Stafford Junior School report a positive experience, enjoying a vibrant and inclusive environment. They strive to embody the school’s motto of be the best we can be across all aspects of school life. The school emphasizes four pillars of learning: challenge, engagement, feedback, and independent learning, which pupils actively embrace. The quality of education is strong, with well-trained teachers who understand the needs of their students. High standards of behavior are maintained, allowing pupils to focus on their learning. Teachers possess good subject knowledge, and their clear explanations foster a keen interest in learning among pupils, leading to commendable academic achievements.
The school offers a variety of enrichment opportunities through its Stafford Offer, which includes clubs and activities that take place during the school day. Lunchtime clubs, such as cheerleading, are popular among pupils, some of which are led by students themselves. However, attendance remains a challenge, as some pupils do not participate as fully as they should. The school is actively working to support those with low attendance to reintegrate into the school community.
In recent years, Stafford Junior School has made significant improvements, redesigning its educational offerings and implementing well-structured curriculums. The needs of pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) have been carefully considered, particularly in subjects where the curriculum is broken down into manageable steps. This approach helps teachers focus on essential knowledge for pupil progression. While most teachers demonstrate good subject knowledge, consistency across all year groups and subjects is still a work in progress. In some areas, including English, the curriculum needs further adaptation to better meet the diverse needs of all pupils, particularly those with SEND.
Reading is a priority at Stafford Junior School, with careful assessments conducted upon pupil entry. Those requiring additional support are identified and receive targeted assistance. The school is committed to ensuring that all staff deliver effective early reading support, enabling pupils to catch up quickly. The reading curriculum is designed to expose pupils to a wide range of genres, fostering a love for reading and encouraging older pupils to engage with increasingly complex texts.
The school has developed a robust personal, social, and health education (PSHE) program, which has positively impacted pupils' well-being and behavior. Pupils report that the PSHE curriculum has equipped them with skills to manage anxiety and build positive relationships. The school also emphasizes leadership opportunities, encouraging pupils to take on various roles and develop their oracy skills, which enhances their confidence in public speaking.
To address specific behavioral and well-being needs, the school has established the LEAP provision, which provides effective support for pupils, facilitating their reintegration into the main school. Leaders and governors are dedicated to the school's mission, demonstrating a clear understanding of its strengths and areas for improvement. Teachers feel well-supported in their roles, contributing to a positive school culture.
The safeguarding arrangements at Stafford Junior School are effective, ensuring a safe environment for all pupils. Moving forward, the school aims to refine its curriculum in certain subjects to better accommodate the needs of pupils with SEND and to improve attendance rates, particularly among disadvantaged pupils.