Samuel Laycock School, located in Ashton-under-Lyne, Lancashire, has recently undergone its first inspection since joining the New Bridge multi-academy trust in April 2022. The inspection, conducted on October 8 and 9, 2024, resulted in commendable ratings across various aspects of the school's performance. The quality of education was rated as good, while behaviour and attitudes, personal development, and leadership and management received outstanding ratings. The headteacher, Helen Wilson, leads a dedicated team that prioritizes the personal and academic achievement of its pupils, ensuring that high expectations are met.
The school is designed to cater to a diverse range of special educational needs and disabilities, providing tailored support to each pupil. The curriculum is well-structured, allowing students to build knowledge progressively. Vocational pathways in key stage four equip pupils with essential skills and qualifications for post-16 opportunities. The school has made significant strides in refining its curriculum to better serve pupils with complex needs, although the impact of these changes is still being assessed.
Pupils at Samuel Laycock School express enthusiasm for their educational experiences, highlighting opportunities in performing arts and sports that foster confidence and leadership skills. Extracurricular activities, including lunch clubs and residential trips, encourage students to explore new interests and develop independence. Notably, Year 11 pupils participate in a self-catering experience by the sea, which enhances their life skills and prepares them for future challenges.
The school fosters a culture of respect and support among pupils, who feel valued and safe. Initiatives such as the buddy system for Year 7 students help newcomers adjust to their environment, while trained peers assist those facing emotional or social challenges. The school promotes a strong sense of community, where pupils look after one another and engage in open discussions about sensitive topics.
While the school excels in many areas, there are aspects of the curriculum that are still in the early stages of implementation. This has resulted in some pupils not achieving the level of learning that is expected. The school is encouraged to ensure that all elements of the curriculum are fully embedded to maximize pupil achievement across all subjects.
Teachers at Samuel Laycock School demonstrate expert knowledge and a deep understanding of their pupils' needs. They employ various strategies to assess learning and adapt their teaching accordingly. The emphasis on reading is evident, with pupils engaging with a wide range of texts and participating in discussions that enhance their comprehension and writing skills. Support for pupils requiring additional help with reading is effective, utilizing a variety of programs to foster confident and fluent readers.
The school environment is calm and supportive, promoting emotional well-being and high attendance rates. Independence and life skills are integrated into the curriculum, preparing pupils for future responsibilities. The careers program provides valuable insights into various career paths, complemented by bespoke work experience opportunities that allow pupils to gain practical experience in real-world settings.
Overall, the inspection highlights the positive impact of the New Bridge multi-academy trust on the school, fostering an environment where staff morale is high and collaboration is encouraged. The school is committed to continuous improvement, focusing on enhancing outcomes for all pupils while ensuring that safeguarding measures are effective and robust. The dedication of the staff and the supportive atmosphere contribute to a thriving educational experience for all students at Samuel Laycock School.