Sunrise Academy is a small school with a current student roll of 41, ranging in age from 9 to 16. The academic performance data shows that there is room for improvement, with N/A as the measured reading progress and 0 as the writing progress measure. However, it is important to note that a proportion of students were absent or unable to access the tests, which may have impacted the results.
In terms of pastoral care, Sunrise Academy excels in providing a supportive and nurturing environment for its students. The staff are dedicated to the well-being of all students, ensuring that they feel safe and valued.
Extra-curricular activities play a significant role in the school’s offering, providing students with opportunities to explore their interests and develop new skills outside of the classroom.
For students with Special Educational Needs, Sunrise Academy offers tailored support to ensure they reach their full potential. The school is committed to inclusivity and ensuring that all students have access to a high-quality education.
The atmosphere at Sunrise Academy is warm and welcoming, with a strong sense of community among students and staff. The upcoming open days provide an opportunity for prospective families to experience this first-hand.
In conclusion, Sunrise Academy is a school that prioritizes the well-being and individual growth of its students, despite some areas for improvement in academic performance. Families looking for a supportive and inclusive co-educational environment may find Sunrise Academy to be a good fit for their child.