Fountaindale School, a small educational establishment with a current student roll of 73, caters to students aged 3 to 18. The school provides a nurturing atmosphere that focuses on academic performance and wellbeing.
In terms of academic progress, the school’s reading and writing progress measures are currently not available, with a total coverage of 0. However, the school ensures that students who are absent or unable to access tests are supported. The Maths progress measure also stands at 0, with a proportion of students unable to take the test.
Pastoral care at Fountaindale School is a top priority, with a strong emphasis on supporting students’ emotional and social development. The school offers a range of extra-curricular activities to enhance students’ learning experiences and promote personal growth.
For students with Special Educational Needs, Fountaindale School provides tailored support to help them reach their full potential. The school values diversity and inclusivity, welcoming students of all faiths and backgrounds.
In conclusion, Fountaindale School is dedicated to providing a well-rounded education that nurtures students’ academic, social, and emotional growth. Parents and prospective students can look forward to upcoming open days to learn more about the school’s offerings.