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Re: South London volunteer Covid vaccinators needed

by readysteadycook » Fri Aug 12, 2022 6:27 pm

chorister wrote: Wed Aug 10, 2022 10:30 pm"We should all be doing our own risk / benefit analysis on boosters" - what utter rubbish. Do you do your own risk  / benefit analysis on how to fly an aeroplane, or do you rely on trained experts - called pilots.  Do you really not understand that, similarly, there are experts who devote their life to working out the benefits and risks of vaccines?
Interestingly I do do my research on the airlines/pilots before I fly longhaul, as you should. We are lucky in Europe/North America, but many African, South American and Asian airlines are appalling. Iran air anyone, shortage of spare parts don't bode well for fixing planes.

Oh, and many reports of pilots in India/Pakistan with fake licenses, who then have caused fatal crashes ... 824035.cms

combine that with reports of around 75% of all airline accidents caused by human factors.

We should be just as particular about what we put in our bodies, we know nothing about what is in these mRNA vaccines and the chances of dying from Covid are impossibly low, side effects (possibly very serious ones for a small minority - I don't want that to be me) from the vaccine are much more significant. 

Doctors are not allowed to talk about their real views of the vaccines, that says it all to me.

Oh, and if you want to go on holiday, there are plenty of fake documents around to take care of that.

In summary : we dont need more vaccinators, how would you feel if you were one and someone became ill or worse ?

Re: South London volunteer Covid vaccinators needed

by chorister » Wed Aug 10, 2022 10:30 pm

"We should all be doing our own risk / benefit analysis on boosters" - what utter rubbish. Do you do your own risk  / benefit analysis on how to fly an aeroplane, or do you rely on trained experts - called pilots.  Do you really not understand that, similarly, there are experts who devote their life to working out the benefits and risks of vaccines?

Re: South London volunteer Covid vaccinators needed

by readysteadycook » Wed Aug 10, 2022 9:48 pm

Coffeeplease wrote: Mon Aug 01, 2022 8:27 pmThen best of luck to you and your unvaccinated life. I think most people have access to whatever research they may be interested in. Don't need so much pestering every time someone even mentions the words Covid vaccine.

We should all be doing our own risk / benefit analysis on boosters. How many people do you know that have been badly affected by covid, for me: none.

So my thoughts : why take a chance with a rushed through vaccine that we don't know the long term effects (and the initial vaccine sideeffects after very bad for a small minority - I don't want to be in that minority!)

Re: South London volunteer Covid vaccinators needed

by Coffeeplease » Mon Aug 01, 2022 8:27 pm

Then best of luck to you and your unvaccinated life. I think most people have access to whatever research they may be interested in. Don't need so much pestering every time someone even mentions the words Covid vaccine.

Re: South London volunteer Covid vaccinators needed

by readysteadycook » Mon Aug 01, 2022 7:09 pm

Before you watch the BBC's programme, look at this link below and read about the 'experts' - they have strong links to Pfizer. Just what you expect from a biased organisation like the BBC   :- 

Its everyones choice, its your body - but from doing a lot of reading I would never take this vaccine again (I have had all my normal vaccines) - the mRNA vaccine risks, massively outweigh the small benefits.

Re: South London volunteer Covid vaccinators needed

by Vista321 » Mon Aug 01, 2022 8:16 am

For anyone who’s interested, I would recommend watching the programme ‘Unvaccinated’ which is currently available on BBC iplayer. It is a sensitive piece around why some people have so far refused the vaccine and provides good science and evidence about Covid vaccines, from real and credible experts.

Ps I volunteered as a vaccinator for St John Ambulance throughout the pandemic and have vaccinated over a thousand people. It is a rewarding and occasionally a demanding role and I highly recommend it. Having good ‘people skills’ is the most important thing. I know people who volunteered who have even gone on to work in roles in the NHS as a result of their volunteering experience.

Re: South London volunteer Covid vaccinators needed

by chorister » Tue Jul 26, 2022 9:06 am

Mumofthreeteens - "... you should be well aware that the MHRA is not as independent as one would like as it gains a vast amount of funding from the very companies whose products they are regulating" - if you could tear yourself away from Wikipedia and conspiracy theories and did some really simple research you would find out that the MHRA fees are standardised and published and not conditional on approval - in fact if the MHRA wanted to generate additional fees then it could do so by rejecting, not approving, applications so that they had to be re-submitted.

Re: South London volunteer Covid vaccinators needed

by Mumofthreeteens » Mon Jul 25, 2022 7:51 pm

Dear Chorister,

There are plenty of educated people who can read and understand ONS data and reports and the UK government surveillance reports are there for us all to read. Yes statistics can do a great job at creating the message you want to get across which is why I ask people to do their own research. Many many highly qualified doctors, and scientists have been silenced for questioning the narrative and that is not scientific. Good science stands up to questioning.

If you work in the industry you should be well aware that the MHRA is not as independent as one would like as it gains a vast amount of funding from the very companies whose products they are regulating!

It is wrong to suggest people do not have the intelligence to do some independent research. There are, like I said lots of people with better qualifications than you and I who are asking lots of questions yet a Government “misinformation mob” have discredited and silenced them.

You are comfortable with your decisions and I advise others to make sure they are fully informed and aware so they can make an informed choice too.

Believe me it is no fun going against the grain but it is done with good intentions.

Re: South London volunteer Covid vaccinators needed

by chorister » Mon Jul 25, 2022 4:59 pm

Mumofthreeteens - I have an Oxbridge science degree too, and have also run a regulated medical devices company - you say "You don’t need to be highly qualified to read some of the reports such as the Pfizer trial data, ONS data, Government surveillance reports .... ".  Actually you do, and you certainly have to have a thorough understanding of statistics.  And I can tell you from experience that the licensing authorities (the MHRA in my case) are very thorough and very demanding.  For some strange reason they don't rely on Wikipedia and anecdote.

Re: South London volunteer Covid vaccinators needed

by Bunnypigeon1 » Mon Jul 25, 2022 4:44 pm

How ironic-

“If you are considering being part of the vaccination administration program I would do my research first and ask yourself if you sit comfortably with potentially administering a vaccine which can result in injury or even death”

Perhaps you should ask yourself if you ‘sit comfortably’ with writing anti-vax comments ‘which can result in injury or even death’….

Honestly, give it a break. Get a life, get your vaccine and let’s all move on with our lives.

Re: South London volunteer Covid vaccinators needed

by Mumoftwoanddog » Mon Jul 25, 2022 11:15 am

Dear mum of three

I could not agree more with what you have said. Thanks for taking the time - I could add many adverse reactions to these from friends and family. Sadly they go unreported in MMS and some in fact don’t even get reported to the yellow card system.
From what I can tell, these people go to the doctor with their issues (unless they end up being raced to hospital). They ask the doctor if it could be vaccine related and most of the time the doctor will say no, it’s a coincidence. Sadly, people seem to believe doctors are the font of all knowledge when in fact if you were to ask them what’s actually in the vaccine they are not generally able to tell you! Or have done very little research themselves and just administer the vaccine because they too are told it’s safe and effective. This is NO excuse.

If you are considering being part of the vaccination administration program I would do my research first and ask yourself if you sit comfortably with potentially administering a vaccine which can result in injury or even death.

Please everyone do your research.
Thanks for reading

Re: South London volunteer Covid vaccinators needed

by Mumofthreeteens » Mon Jul 25, 2022 10:42 am

In reply. I have a bachelors degree in science but I am not posting claiming to be an expert. I am only asking people to be aware that there are lots of experts out there who are not backing the vaccine. They have been discredited and silenced by big media and pharmaceutical companies who have a vested interest. Believe me I would rather not know this but now that I do my conscience means I feel obliged to let people know that all is not as black and white as it seems.

You are welcome to form your own opinion.

I want my children to grow up with friends who don’t have loads of fertility and medical problems as a result of the vaccine. You don’t need to be highly qualified to read some of the reports such as the Pfizer trial data, ONS data, Government surveillance reports to see all is not right.

The biggest shareholders in vaccine companies are also the biggest shareholders in Google and most mainstream media companies they include the likes of Blackrock and Vanguard. They all have the same agenda and all stand to profit.

Every time there is a medical scandal people always say it should never happen again. Think of Thalidomide or all the poor women with the bladder mesh which doctors and surgeons kept giving women despite overwhelming evidence it was causing so much harm. Think of the billions of dollars Pfizer has been fined in the past and the thousands in Indian girls killed/injured by a trial HPV vaccine (hardly a mentioned in the news).

You are welcome to ignore my message and think no more about it. You have your own conscience or you can choose to use an independent internet browser such as “brave” and look up some of these doctors , reports etc and read for yourself.

I certainly don’t expect you to take my word for it. Go and do some reading yourself but not what Google and the bbc want you to read. I have yet to meet a GP who has gone off and read more widely around these vaccines they just spout what the NHS has told them yet when more and more evidence shows the adverse effects they will be held accountable. Look up Dr Steve James. Someone not afraid to ask questions. Also I suggest you look up mass psychosis…

Re: South London volunteer Covid vaccinators needed

by chorister » Mon Jul 25, 2022 9:55 am

It would probably help if you set out your qualifications (especially in statistical analysis) so that we could assess your credibility when you claim to have done research and to be able to debunk conclusions reached by people who have spent a lifetime working on these things.

And by the way - which browsers are backed by pharmaceutical companies?

Re: South London volunteer Covid vaccinators needed

by Mumofthreeteens » Mon Jul 25, 2022 8:50 am

As someone who until I started asking questions about covid and the vaccinations would be described as a rule follower I have found myself over the last two years losing trust in what the government and media are telling us. I am no “anti-Vaxer” or conspiracy theorist and am horrified at how as a mass of people so many have been misled into taking such a dangerous substance through a media driven campaign of fear and bullying. Images of people dropping dead in the street in China, misleading covid figures the “with” not “of” statistics . I implore you all, most especially for your children’s sake to do some independent research. That means using a browser that is not backed by pharmaceutical companies and looking up some of these world renowned doctors and experts(which the pharmaceutical companies with the help of the government and media have done their best to discredit). Dr Robert Malone, Dr Mike Yeadon, Dr Ryan Cole, Dr Peter McCullough, Dr Tess Laurie, to name but a few. Look at the ONS covid data. It is showing now that 90% of people in hospital are vaccinated and 94% of deaths are in the three/four times jabbed. This is not just due to the most vulnerable having been vaccinated. Look at the data. Look at the government weekly covid surveillance reports It is now proven and admitted by the government that.;
- vaccine s don’t stop you catching it or spreading it
- the side effects are the worst seen in the world for any vaccine (look up UK yellow card data or US VAER data).
-the vaccine efficacy was below 12% last I looked.
- long term effects are not know though there are concerns that fertility is affected due to the spike proteins migrating to the reproductive organs. (Hence so many reports of young women with changed menstruation after the vaccine). It is also now clear worldwide that the most vaccinated countries have the worst covid figures.
I am no covid denier, it can be a nasty illness for some (I was bed-bound for two weeks), my kids barely coughed but remember the average age of death is still over 82.5years so why risk all the side effects for less than 12% protection. There were years with higher flu deaths than we have had covid deaths. I am fortunate not to know anyone who has died of covid but I sadly know personally many people who are vaccine injured. This included my father-in-law who developed a Pulmonary embolism after his 4th jab (and is 100% convinced it is down to his Moderna jab), my sisters MIL who was declared fit as a fiddle by doctor day one. Dead following vaccine day 2, my BiL who still believes in vaccination despite now being in 40s and unable to even do up his shoe laces due to post vaccine problems (doctors have told him long covid but he never had it), two colleagues with heart palpitations following jab. One went for their second despite this and was hospitalised with suspected heart attack. Loads of my teenagers friends missed school following vaccine, we have a cousin with unexplained eye problems and another friend who is 17 and an athlete with chest pains and decreasing performance since two jabs. Apparently they are not now getting enough oxygen.I know many more but you all do. How many unexplained “sudden deaths” are you reading about . How many footballers/athletes have collapsed recently. There has been something like a 700% increase in sudden athlete deaths.
My point. Research before you take any more jabs. Protect your children and to those administering the jabs. It is no excuse to say you were told it was safe. You have a duty of care to do your research. I have read so much of the trial data released by Pfizer it is a sobering read. Have you read it? You should have if you are administering it. The Government have hinted that it is the medical profession’s job to check it is safe so the buck will stop with you.
I ask only that you stop, question and research. Draw you own conclusions. True science stands up to questioning. There is no “misinformation “ in the above. This is posted with the hope that some of you will pause and think. With best wishes. Mumofthreeteens

South London volunteer Covid vaccinators needed

by Community Editor » Fri Jul 22, 2022 3:00 pm

More than 450 volunteers are needed in south London to help with the Covid vaccination programme after the government announced that booster jabs will be given this Autumn.

St John Ambulance are urging people to join them in administering the booster vaccine, which will be offered to everyone over 50.

Between now and September, the charity hopes to recruit and train 5,000 new vaccinators in areas of England most at need – including south London.

Craig Harman, the acting chief operating officer of St John Ambulance, said: “Many of the vaccinators I’ve spoken to over the last year and a half say that giving people their jabs has been one of the best experiences of their life.

“The satisfaction of protecting people and keeping the pandemic at bay is enormous, plus being part of St John opens up a whole range of extra volunteering opportunities where people can help their communities, like sharing lifesaving first aid skills or supporting our brilliant programmes for young people.”

The charity provides more than 1.5 million hours of support for communities on the frontline of the Covid-19 pandemic, including work in hospitals.

A big part of this work includes their drive to get the country vaccinated and protected from the virus, especially with cases now on the rise again.

Craig added: “We’ve been playing a vital role in helping deliver the NHS Covid-19 vaccination programme since it began.

“Our original vaccination volunteers have given more than a million hours of their time, and now we need more Volunteer Vaccinators to administer Covid and flu jabs this autumn, as well as ensuring we’re ready to support any surges in demand for vaccinations.”

Story from Wandsworth Times: ... rs-needed/ 
