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Re: Latchmere Rd Car crash 11/2/14: Appeal for witnesses

by Erykah » Thu Mar 06, 2014 3:53 pm

Annabel, thank you so much for this website. That I now have a witness is amazing. Maybe I'll start sleeping again!
Thanks all again x

Re: Latchmere Rd Car crash 11/2/14: Appeal for witnesses

by mr f » Thu Mar 06, 2014 2:48 pm

Hi Erykah - Thank you so much for following up today and I totally appreciate why there was a delay. I am simply glad you and the children are OK and I was very happy to be able to assist with this unfortunate incident. :)

Re: Latchmere Rd Car crash 11/2/14: Appeal for witnesses

by Erykah » Thu Mar 06, 2014 1:01 pm

Allgood, I am so sorry about your experiences too. Its all just such a shock at the time isn't it? I was so in disbelief that it had happened. The last couple of weeks have been such a blur that I forgot my nappy valley account is linked to an old email address and hadn't even picked up the email from the gentleman witness who I have contacted today.
Apparently it will take up to 6 months for the liability claim to be settled. Hopefully less once have been in touch with the kind gentleman who has emailed me as a witness.
Thank you all again x

Re: Latchmere Rd Car crash 11/2/14: Appeal for witnesses

by Erykah » Thu Mar 06, 2014 9:57 am

Many thanks to all of you who have taken the time to reply to this thread. I really appreciate all your responses. Apologies for not having replied sooner. I didn't see the responses and have been overwhelmed by life admin and not sleeping well. Many thanks and sorry again

Re: Latchmere Rd Car crash 11/2/14: Appeal for witnesses

by Erykah » Thu Mar 06, 2014 9:34 am

I am so sorry, I have only just your reply and email. Thank you so much for taking the time to reply. I will be in contact as soon as possible, I have been somewhat in shock

Re: Latchmere Rd Car crash 11/2/14: Appeal for witnesses

by mr f » Tue Mar 04, 2014 7:40 pm

Erykah - Astonishingly, despite offering a full witness account and video footage relating to your incident - not even an acknowledgement from you. I trust you're OK, but I am afraid I can no longer be of assistance.

Re: Latchmere Rd Car crash 11/2/14: Appeal for witnesses

by Allgood » Tue Feb 18, 2014 2:02 am

Sadly I cannot help, but may I share about a parallel car incident I had with the police a few years ago? They nearly hit me doing about 40 mph, i.e. speeding, while not on a job, and to cut a long unpleasant story short, I ended up getting called to court on a charge of "lack of care and attention". I went along with an attitude of interest, taking it purely as having a new and different experience, knowing it was of course a forgone conclusion that I would be found guilty. And yes, witnessed a policeman purge himself in court, which was really stunning to behold at the time, and although utterly expected in hindsight, still holds me in shock to this day.
When asked by the police solicitor along the lines of 'wasn't I driving with lack of care and attention that could have caused an accident?', I couldn't help myself reply in my defence along the lines of "the very fact there wasn't an accident is proof that I wasn't driving with lack of care and attention", which of course went down brilliantly and promptly ended the session.
The whole thing was an utter farce, I walked away with 3 points on my license, a £150 fine and utter contempt and lack of respect for the police. So their action worked fabulously well to recruit me to their side.
And a final detail, one of the particularly repellent things about being in court was, that yes, phenomenally stupidly, I arrived in court without my driving license, so when told by the main judge after sentencing to take my license to the office to get my points added, I burst out laughing, because for god's sake it was bally funny, the entire thing and my realisation at how stupid I was, and he literally screamed at the top of his voice for me to stop laughing, which of course I did in an instant on witnessing the insanity, then asked me what I found so funny and then when I said I didn't have my licence, he then thought it was ok and appropriate to threaten me still screaming with "if you do not return here with your license by this afternoon I will put you in jail for 24 hours". !!!? I am absolutely not kidding. How utterly bizarre is this response from a high court judge? It was quite possibly the most surreal 30 seconds of my life, I thought I was having a v. weird dream. And it was so humbling in my appreciation for the injustices that some experience in police custody situations. And guess what? Of course I laughed all over again. But it makes me want to throw up even now as I write. Utterly chilling.

Re: Latchmere Rd Car crash 11/2/14: Appeal for witnesses

by Dindy » Mon Feb 17, 2014 2:00 pm

I have sent you an email, Erykah, and hope it helps. Thankfully you and your children are all right. Good luck.

Re: Latchmere Rd Car crash 11/2/14: Appeal for witnesses

by Dindy » Mon Feb 17, 2014 1:58 pm

i have sent you an email, Erykah, and hope it helps. Thankfully you and your children are all right. Good luck.

Re: Latchmere Rd Car crash 11/2/14: Appeal for witnesses

by mr f » Mon Feb 17, 2014 11:35 am

Hi Erykah - I have sent you a couple of emails regarding this thread.

Re: Latchmere Rd Car crash 11/2/14: Appeal for witnesses

by Erykah » Fri Feb 14, 2014 5:38 pm

Yes, I have those details so we could go down that route if we need to

Re: Latchmere Rd Car crash 11/2/14: Appeal for witnesses

by Mrs Contractor Mum » Fri Feb 14, 2014 4:38 pm

Did you get details of the ambulance staff or know which hospital they attended from? The hospital should keep a record of who attended and they may be able to give a witness statement. Appreciate they did not see the actual event but they may be able to provide an expert opinion.

Hope you and your children are ok?

Re: Latchmere Rd Car crash 11/2/14: Appeal for witnesses

by Erykah » Fri Feb 14, 2014 3:54 pm

Thanks for both your responses.
I know at least 2 people witnessed the accident and apparently a senior police officer from Lavender Hill police station told my husband at the time that he arrived that it was not my fault. But nothing is on record. We just didn't think.

Re: Latchmere Rd Car crash 11/2/14: Appeal for witnesses

by papinian » Fri Feb 14, 2014 10:24 am

mmb wrote:if you don't then it is your word against to police driver and there is no reasons why the police driver's version should be preferred to yours
At this stage, most reasonable people would not believe testimony from a serving policeman or policewoman. We've seen lie after lie told under oath.

Good luck to Erykah.

Re: Latchmere Rd Car crash 11/2/14: Appeal for witnesses

by mmb » Fri Feb 14, 2014 10:08 am

Hi, sorry I'm not a witness but I am a personal injury solicitor. I've just had a look at some case law and most of the time when a collision occurs with an emergency vehicle there is a split of liability, although sometimes it is held that the emergency driver is 100% liable.
It would be better if you had some witnesses to support your version but it is not absolutely essential; if you don't then it is your word against to police driver and there is no reasons why the police driver's version should be preferred to yours. It depends on the circumstances and on the basis of what you've said I would think that you/your insurer can recover at least part of the damages, if not 100%.
If you want to talk in more details or consider making a claim for your injury and/or losses, please contact me by pm.
