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Re: Finton House drop off

by Mummy » Wed Mar 05, 2014 11:38 pm

Parking is really not a huge problem.
I also live by the common in Tooting. If you get to the school before 8.30 you can usually park on Hendham Rd.
We are not allowed to park on wandle Road at anytime.
However, there is plenty of parking in the mornings on Dalebury Road and Beechcroft, if you don't mind the short walk.
Parking at pick up is not tough, there are often lots of parkings on the roads as long as you don't mind driving around to find one.
The school is lovely and parking really us not an issue - for us anyway.

Finton House drop off

by lynx14 » Wed Mar 05, 2014 9:49 pm


We have a place for our daughter to start at Finton in Sept 15. We need to make a decision soon & the thing that's really bothering me is the school run!

We live up by the common in Tooting & it's just a bit too far to walk/ride with a 4 year old & toddler, so bus is an option (but the idea of doing it 4 times a day..?) or driving. Basically, is drop off & pick up a nightmare?! Parking is so limited etc.

Does anyone have any experience of it?! Hints or tips? Know of car pool schemes? School bus? Anything?!!

