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Re: Recommendations for a large family friendly villa

by Mum2Alex » Thu Apr 03, 2014 5:56 pm

Thanks so much for the suggestions, folks - plenty to chew over here!


Re: Recommendations for a large family friendly villa

by mimi&pip » Mon Mar 31, 2014 9:57 am


My inlaws have this stunning family friendly villa in the south of France. Flights direct to Nice and the village is 85 km away from the airport (I think about 1 hour by car). Stunning place and great for children. ... vence.html

Best wishes,

Michelle Ody

Re: Recommendations for a large family friendly villa

by monaco » Sun Mar 30, 2014 10:38 pm


I have several recommendations for you
- Rou Estate in Greece for a wonderful setting, lovely houses and guaranteed sun !
- look at Kids and Coe, a new website that specialises in houses for families and all of them look great
- too bad you can't fly far as there is an amazing deal for a villa in Ile Mauritius right now, it's called "L'ilot"
- I also recently posted some recommendations for houses in Ile de Ré an absolutely lovely island in France
(blog link is in my signature below)

The Times has also recently published two articles on villas ... 971586.ece
and ... 366226.ece

Hope this helps

Recommendations for a large family friendly villa

by Mum2Alex » Sun Mar 30, 2014 1:21 pm

2 families with littluns (9 months and 1 year) and one game single guy, we are looking for a large villa (minimum 4 beds) with a pool which is family friendly and likely to be hot and sunny in June...

Ideally we are looking for Europe to avoid long flights.

Your help is much appreciated!

