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Re: Ravenstone Primary school in Balham

by Stigi » Thu May 21, 2009 11:04 am

Thanks for all of your replies and opinions. It is always great to get an insight from families that know the school. I would love it if I could get my son in there but I think that we may have trouble getting in because of our location as we are on Ramsden Road (half way down). At the moment I am thinking that the private schools maybe our only option because we seem to be that little bit too far from the good state schools 'catchment areas'. If only I could move our house a few hundred meters :)

Re: Ravenstone Primary school in Balham

by tillywith2boys » Thu May 21, 2009 10:21 am

I've got 2 boys at Ravenstone... Reception and Year 2, and I'm really happy with it and so are they.
It's a bit daunting when you first arrive mostly because it's an old huge imposing Victorian school, but the headmaster is great and so are the teachers.
There's a huge mix of kids there, lots of different languages, backgrounds, and as someone's said, an increasing number of middle class families.
The PTA is really active and there's a big sense of community if you want that.
As long as Mr Millington, the Headmaster, is there, my kids will be there.
I took my eldest out of Finton House to go there, so that's my recommendation right there!
Good luck.

Re: Ravenstone Primary school in Balham

by work1 » Mon May 18, 2009 8:28 pm

I've got some friends with kids there and they love it.

The only downside, and this is with state schools full stop, is that they don't do a huge amount of organised sport.

They spend their weekends on the Common in the organised football sessions and that gets in the sport fix!

Its a great school.

Re: Ravenstone Primary school in Balham

by work1 » Mon May 18, 2009 7:20 pm

Absolutely on the up and up.

To be blunt as the overspill from Clapham bought in Balham increasing numbers of middle class couples had kids and needed somewhere to send them. Ten years ago you'd have struggled to find any yummy mummys sending their brood to Ravenstone, now they tell you with pride that their children got in and feel sorry for those parents outside the ever decreasing catchment area. Although it isn't yet in the league of Honeywell or Belleville it's not far off.

Send your kids there if you can get a place! ;)

Re: Ravenstone Primary school in Balham

by Annabel (admin) » Mon May 18, 2009 11:06 am

Hi, we don't have children ourselves who go there but do know many local parents that do
and are all very happy with it. It's much more difficult than it used to be to secure a place
so i guess that's a good sign too! Their recent OFSTED report was also very good.

I'm sure some others will be able to give you a first hand account! :lol:


Ravenstone Primary school in Balham

by Stigi » Sun May 17, 2009 8:00 pm


Does anyone know what Ravenstone primary school in Balham is like or do they have a child that goes there and are you happy with the school? I noticed that this school hasn't been mentioned in this section before... Looking forward to hearing your views.

