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Re: Complete Placenta Previa

by Moomie » Thu Jun 19, 2014 2:28 pm

I am 23 weeks pregnant with my second and have been diagnosed the same. I spoke to both the sonographer and my midwife who explained it is most likely to move up as the baby and womb grows. It only doesn't if it's implanted on the back wall of your womb- apparently more likely to be at the front. Being scanned again at 36weeks and they'll do a planned c section if placenta still within 2cm of cervix then.But notonly term unless there is a problem. The only thing that you should worryabout is if you start bleeding inwhich case you might be hospitalised. other than that, we should be grateful they have spotted it rather than not! hope that helps.

Re: Complete Placenta Previa

by Wandsworth1 » Mon Jun 16, 2014 9:38 am

Hi there
I had this with my 1st baby - like you they spotted it at my 20 week scan. I had to have another scan at around 35/37 weeks to check whether the placenta had moved (luckily it had and everything was ok!). I think worst case scenario you may have to have a planned c-section if it hasn't moved by then.
Good luck.

Re: Complete Placenta Previa

by 2boysmum » Mon Jun 16, 2014 7:03 am

Hi I think there is plenty of time for it to move, but don't quote me on it. I had this at 20 weeks with my second but it had moved totally out the way before the of luck xx

Re: Complete Placenta Previa

by supermummy » Fri Jun 13, 2014 11:59 am

My sister had this. I can't remember all the details but i know she had extra scans every few weeks to check if it had moved. Think once you get past a certain point they just know it won't move. She had a planned c section at 38 weeks and was fine. I think it sounds as though you have plenty of time to be assessed. Do you have a midwife you can call for a chat to reassure you? Sorry I know that's not much detailed info but Hope it is a tiny bit helpful!

Complete Placenta Previa

by wilkinem » Thu Jun 12, 2014 9:40 pm

I have just been diagnosed with complete placenta previa at 21 weeks through my second pregnancy. It was diagnosed via ultrasound at St Thomas and the ultrasound technician who spotted it had to check with someone else what to do after this diagnosis. The person he checked with didn't know so they have booked me for the "next available consultant appointment" but this isn't until the 2nd week of July. This feels a long time to wait.

I would appreciate any advise from anyone who has had this condition.

Thanks very much.
