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Re: Belleville interview??

by hellokittyerw » Wed Sep 17, 2014 12:43 pm

Thank you everyone.
They didn't go for the "interview" as they accepted a place at HW.
But I guess Fionag and flowermummy are right, although it was called "interview" they must have referred to the initial meet-up...

Re: Belleville interview??

by Fionag » Wed Sep 17, 2014 11:52 am

I checked with Belleville about this post, apologies for not replying earlier.
Other posters are correct state schools including Belleville can not & do not interview prospective children and their parents.
However a child who has been offered a place will be invited in to Belleville with their parent to meet with a senior member of staff, fill in forms etc and discuss any special needs/concerns and start the induction process.
Belleville (& Im pretty sure some other state schools) call this an 'interview' internally but the offer of the place has already been made and so what arises during the meeting or 'interview' will not affect the offer of the place.
Hope that allays any concerns

Re: Belleville interview??

by schoolgatesmum » Wed Sep 10, 2014 1:54 pm

Only private schools are allowed to meet families and then decide if they want them in their school or not! State schools get whoever is sent to them. The meeting will just be a formality (probably to make sure that the family definitely wants the place and will turn up - you'd be amazed how many people accept state school places, then go private but don't bother letting the state school know).

Re: Belleville interview??

by Monkeymama » Mon Sep 08, 2014 5:57 pm

It would be unlawful for a state school to demand an interview as part of the admissions process so I hope it's just a misunderstanding!

Re: Belleville interview??

by juliantenniscoach » Tue Sep 02, 2014 12:34 pm

Got to be a misunderstanding. I've got my two DD's at Belleville, never heard anything like that.

Re: Belleville interview??

by Flowermummy » Tue Sep 02, 2014 9:21 am

Maybe she misunderstood?!
We moved my DD to a new school in Y2 (moved to Wandsworth from a different borough), and the new school asked us to come for a meeting where we briefly discussed my DD's previous education, her level in writing and maths. It was not like an assessment, it was more to meet us and for the school to decide which class to put her in.
I have no direct knowledge of Belleville though, maybe someone else on NVN can help you more...
But I don't think a non-selective state school can have interviews/assessments before they offer a place.

Belleville interview??

by hellokittyerw » Mon Sep 01, 2014 11:33 pm

My friends dd may be offered a place at Belleville (y3 I think), however she has been invited to go for an interview beforehand.
Is this possible? I was under the impression that Belleville is a non selective state school and the only criteria for admission is distance from school (after siblings, etc).
Am I wrong? Did anyone hear of a similar case?
I'm not from the uk, so I may not understand the school system fully...

Thank you!
