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Re: Fraud re academic qualifications - WWYD?

by Monkeymama » Mon Sep 08, 2014 5:33 pm

Yes. You MUST tell someone - this is fraud. You need to report this to the Education Funding Agency. One of their many roles is to monitor compliance of academies and Free Schools with the law and with their funding agreements (the contract between the school and the government). You can do so anonymously if you like or email
Please please report this - who knows if other lies have been told that could potentially endanger the children at the school.

Re: Fraud re academic qualifications - WWYD?

by supergirl » Sun Sep 07, 2014 12:22 am

I think you should which body or whom has appointed him and on which grounds ie. degrees and/or experience and/or both.

Then report it.

But i am very worried that whoever appointed him didnt even verify something like that. I mean how hard is it to call a university?
I thought this was really common in the UK, i was and my husband is checked anytime he changes jobs...

IMO if they are flaky in the checks to appoint a director, i d worry what other shortcuts they have taken.

I would probably also tell prospective parents.

Re: Fraud re academic qualifications - WWYD?

by kiwimummy » Sat Sep 06, 2014 8:14 pm

Personally, I'd report it. He is in a position of trust, and may have lied. That's a serious matter. I think you should write (not call) the school and the Council to ask them to reconfirm the matter.

Fraud re academic qualifications - WWYD?

by gruffalo's dad » Sat Sep 06, 2014 7:06 pm

I was speaking with a friend about one of the new free schools in Wandsworth. He and his wife had been looking at it as a possibility for their child. He mentioned that one of the directors had attended the university I went to - a university outside of the U.K. but reasonably well-known here and internationally.

I checked out the school website, in case I knew this director as we have an organised alumni group here in London. His profile on the school website mentions the university and his degree. However, I know that the degree he says he has wasn't offered by the university at the time he would have attended (some dates of employment are also mentioned in the profile). One of my friends is head of one of faculties of the university. He got his secretary to check for me whether there is a record of this guy ever being a student there. There isn't.

Should I raise this with the school, or leave it? Obviously, if it was someone with a teaching position I'd feel I had to raise it, but I'm not sure it matters much if it's just a director.
