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Re: child abuse accusation lawyer or legal prof plse

by MickeyMouse » Wed Mar 25, 2015 10:33 am

Lovewrite: there's nothing wrong at all in wanting justice if you've been unfairly accused. You're only doing your duty as a citizen in a democratic society. Inevitably authorities' failures will be investigated and exposed, and it's crucial so they'll learn to do better. Don't be put off by some of the posts, go ahead and get yourself heard! You'll soon find that you're not alone...One successful way of getting justice and support is via medias, you know you could call the Daily Mail Online desk, I'm sure you've found a solicitor by now, but in any case get back to me.

Re: child abuse accusation lawyer or legal prof plse

by kindfacilitator » Tue Mar 17, 2015 9:15 pm

your heart seems right this subject will inevitably raise issues for people are you now getting advice from a solicitor?

Re: child abuse accusation lawyer or legal prof plse

by LOVETOWRITE » Tue Mar 17, 2015 8:51 pm

To Kindfacilitator: many thanks for your advice!! By the way in my last post I was referring to posters who felt that I was attacking them.

Re: child abuse accusation lawyer or legal prof plse

by kindfacilitator » Tue Mar 17, 2015 6:41 pm

Lets talk how can that be done?

Re: child abuse accusation lawyer or legal prof plse

by LOVETOWRITE » Tue Mar 17, 2015 6:27 pm

Thanks a lot for all the comments. I appreciate all of them. It's not about throwing dirt on a party or another, it's about truth and nothing else.

Re: child abuse accusation lawyer or legal prof plse

by kindfacilitator » Tue Mar 17, 2015 5:54 am

Social services was mentioned earlier in this thread. More specifically it is the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) who is the person that a school reports abuse to. Having been abused at a prep school in the 70's and gone through many years of fighting for justice, I know only too well the pain and stress that families and friends go through. My heart goes out to you, especially if it is a case of a false accusation.
Some tips for you.
1.Sadly the lawyers and insurers dictate the flow where emotional intelligence is at times lacking.
2. Reputations are at stake so don't be surprised if you find yourself on your own at times.
3. Be honest, however painful and keep to the script.
4. Consider what an ideal outcome would be for you and your loved ones.
5. Be sure that the lawyer you choose to defend you is clear about expectations fees etc. Don't hold any sensitive questions back.
6. Truth will make you free.
7. There is a lawyers site called ACAL assoc of child abuse lawyers. Come back if you have any questions about that.

Hope this helps.

Re: child abuse accusation lawyer or legal prof plse

by Tigermum » Mon Mar 16, 2015 9:46 pm


Some great advice already posted, I just wanted to wish you the best during the troubling time x

Re: child abuse accusation lawyer or legal prof plse

by rugby » Mon Mar 09, 2015 8:53 am

LOVETOWRITE wrote:Anybody knows a good legal professional who might be able to help a case against Wandsworth social services and a Wandsworth state school? (unfair accusations of child abuse)- Any help much appreciated,
Hi, are you a parent or a teacher or other in this case please?

Do you want a specialist solicitors?

Re: child abuse accusation lawyer or legal prof plse

by Scottov » Mon Mar 09, 2015 8:31 am

wasateacher wrote:I hope you won't take this the wrong way, but please don't hurl abuse at the school and the social workers. If a few cases where they don't act, there have been serious consequences. I was responsible for child protection for several years in a school. Teachers must report any suspicions and the child protection officer must, if there is any doubt at all, refer the case to social services. In many cases, there is nothing further needed to be done, but in a few action should and must be taken.

I say this even though referring one child caused me considerable personal problems when the father of the child accused me of causing the extensive bruising which was found after a hospital inspected her. I was, therefore, under suspicion myself and was subject to a police investigation - although cleared and with no problem on my record.

I would rather have gone through that than have a child ignored whilst suffering abuse. We have to err on the safe side.
This is a very good, and sage post

If you've got fair reason to believe that accusations were mendacious or malicious then fine, but otherwise the school is carrying out its obligations. Pragmatism doesn't come in to it, and people would be screaming if it did.

ask yourself if you really feel this was vindictive, because otherwise you might be better off saving the emotional drain this will lead to

Re: child abuse accusation lawyer or legal prof plse

by wasateacher » Mon Mar 09, 2015 7:52 am

I hope you won't take this the wrong way, but please don't hurl abuse at the school and the social workers. If a few cases where they don't act, there have been serious consequences. I was responsible for child protection for several years in a school. Teachers must report any suspicions and the child protection officer must, if there is any doubt at all, refer the case to social services. In many cases, there is nothing further needed to be done, but in a few action should and must be taken.

I say this even though referring one child caused me considerable personal problems when the father of the child accused me of causing the extensive bruising which was found after a hospital inspected her. I was, therefore, under suspicion myself and was subject to a police investigation - although cleared and with no problem on my record.

I would rather have gone through that than have a child ignored whilst suffering abuse. We have to err on the safe side.

Re: child abuse accusation lawyer or legal prof plse

by Pud1 » Sun Mar 08, 2015 3:38 pm

I obviously don't know anything about your case OP and I hope you bring it to a satisfactory end, but I just wanted to say that there are many, many social workers and schools who do an awful lot to keep children safe every day. We only hear in the press when it goes wrong. We don't hear about all the good that is done and all the children and families who are given much needed support.

Re: child abuse accusation lawyer or legal prof plse

by All about fairies » Sun Mar 08, 2015 12:05 pm

I've sent you a contact. You need to get these scammers, especially those tea sipping good for nothing both school and SS, a lot of people are very scared of them, whilst they may think that they are above the law and untouchable, in actual fact they don't have much of knowledge at all, and this should not happen that they target the innocent ones, just because they fail to protect kids in their own hands, With not much going on around the local Valley, there for the local jolly-good schools are under pressure, but that shouldn't mean they target the weakest links, the SS are like robots, it generates jobs for those retards.

Don't worry, try that contact I've sent you..

Re: child abuse accusation lawyer or legal prof plse

by LOVETOWRITE » Fri Mar 06, 2015 8:37 pm

Great posts, I feel so much better having read this, you are so kind to let me know all this. Petal, I will dig out the story of that policitian. And Fabarooney, if your friends knows a good lawyer in London please let me know, have a very nice week-end.

Re: child abuse accusation lawyer or legal prof plse

by Fabarooney » Fri Mar 06, 2015 12:22 pm

Hi Lovetowrite, not sure if this helps but few years ago a friend of mine was accused by their school of hitting her son. It was later found that it was just the kid making up because he felt rejected at school. The case was closed. The only advice I'll give you is: make sure you get legal supportbecause even if there is a right to check on families the fact is it'll leave a mark on your family's records forever even if you're found to be very good and loving parents the authorities (records will be passed on from schools to schools as the child moves up) will always be suspicious of this family whatever they do, even normal things like having another child will be under scrutiny. Sadly this is a way for the government to generate income and for the schools to look good. Good luck Lovetowrite, I'll speak to my friend see if she can give any more advice or recommend someone. I saw the distress my friends went through and I feel for you.

child abuse accusation lawyer or legal prof plse

by LOVETOWRITE » Thu Mar 05, 2015 11:14 pm

Anybody knows a good legal professional who might be able to help a case against Wandsworth social services and a Wandsworth state school? (unfair accusations of child abuse)- Any help much appreciated,
