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Re: Calling all NV dog ownera

by mims » Mon Jun 01, 2015 10:09 pm

Actually parents don't always pick up and bin their used nappies .... I've even had a used one discarded in my front garden

But I wouldn't dream of calling on all pram-pushers to come and clean up my garden because that would be silly wouldn't it ...

Re: Calling all NV dog ownera

by krystyna » Fri May 29, 2015 6:36 pm

Barking council are planning to dna dog poo in order to trace owners who let their dogs foul public spaces. See article in the Gaurdian: ... ng-council

This might lead to a reduction in this problem. Maybe Wandsworth Council might take up this idea.

I see that from the above article that from April 2016 all dogs will have to be micro-chipped - see link in the above article.

Re: Calling all NV dog ownera

by Phew » Sun May 24, 2015 9:57 am

It's incredibly annoying to take children to a dog-free area and end up in a messs of smelly tissues and wipes. Parents always pick up their babies's nappies to bin them.Why do some dog owners ignore basic hygiene? It's a lack of respect towards both people and their pets. Whichever language you speak.

Re: Calling all NV dog ownera

by dodgypinz » Tue May 19, 2015 12:06 pm

Useful piece of equipment is a "Barker Breaker". It is a can of air that makes a loud noise when you press the button. It is designed to deter dogs that bark too much, hence name. But it works just as well on cats (and foxes?). I have three mischievous Burmese cats ...and since I have "dodgypinz" I use the BB to deter them from using certain much loved very fragile items as part of their Brands Hatch evening circuit. I very rarely have to use it now as they have learned to do a big swerve round the bits of the house that makes that truly horrible noise.

If you used it every time cat/dog/fox/drunken passerby/naughty dog pooh bag dumper. ...... I think you could "change their habits". BB is piercing enough to be effective outside

Re: Calling all NV dog ownera

by MickeyMouse » Tue May 19, 2015 11:02 am

Thanks Petal, our kids came back with soiled shoes (big lumps of dog poo!) from the dog-free lawn (bowling green) last Sunday...and reading responses from other posters, maybe we all descend from William The Bastard, who brushed up the English language for good by using foreign words?

Re: Calling all NV dog ownera

by Hattie » Tue May 19, 2015 7:51 am

MatSnow, darlingmummy and petal. It is definitely cats. We have a family of foxes living just over the wall in a nearby pile of old railway sleepers and they regularly leave little gifts on the paving. The smell and consistency is vastly different to that of a cat and, quite apart from that, I see cats using that section of the garden bed but short of shooing them away, I cannot seem to deter them.

I had heard the lion poo deterrent many years ago and collected some when on a visit to Longleat, but it made absolutely no differene whatsoever - and the garden smelled like a zoo.

I've tried scented cat repellent pellets, powders, sprays, string, cotton, holly leaves and even studded the area with vertical 6inch lengths of bamboo, but to no avail.

I'm thinking of blacking up and putting on my camouflage kit and lying in wait with a pump action water pistol like Sylvester Stallone! :lol:

Fortunately, due to some clever gardening using strategically placed hedging and walls, the foxes cannot get into my back garden which is the prettier bit where we tend to BBQ and sit with a glass of vino, so I guess it could be worse!.

Re: Calling all NV dog ownera

by darlingmummy » Mon May 18, 2015 4:43 pm

darlingmummy wrote:
Hattie wrote:Let's move on Petal and Mat. Now - as pet free household, anyone got any suggestions (apart from a pressure hose and a good aim) on how to stop all the neighbourhood cats from using my front garden as their morning dumping ground? No? No takers? :lol:
a lot of what you think is cat dump is actually foxes'
unless you have seen the cats doing their business it is more likely to belong to the foxes.
but forgot to add that apparently there is a product for it, to deter them form doing their #2 in gardens, my neighbours told me but now they have moved away. maybe you can google it.

Re: Calling all NV dog ownera

by darlingmummy » Mon May 18, 2015 4:42 pm

Hattie wrote:Let's move on Petal and Mat. Now - as pet free household, anyone got any suggestions (apart from a pressure hose and a good aim) on how to stop all the neighbourhood cats from using my front garden as their morning dumping ground? No? No takers? :lol:
a lot of what you think is cat dump is actually foxes'
unless you have seen the cats doing their business it is more likely to belong to the foxes.

Re: Calling all NV dog ownera

by MatSnow » Mon May 18, 2015 4:15 pm

A large dog barking from your front window every time a cat ventures a paw on your premises should do the trick. Works round our place, front and back.

Failing that, lion poo from your garden centre is said to work. And so it should for what they charge. (I'm not kidding!)

Re: Calling all NV dog ownera

by Hattie » Mon May 18, 2015 4:09 pm

Petal: paved off street parking with pretty garden running along wall - so not suitable for plastic grass. :roll:

Re: Calling all NV dog ownera

by Hattie » Mon May 18, 2015 3:58 pm

Let's move on Petal and Mat. Now - as pet free household, anyone got any suggestions (apart from a pressure hose and a good aim) on how to stop all the neighbourhood cats from using my front garden as their morning dumping ground? No? No takers? :lol:

Re: Calling all NV dog ownera

by MatSnow » Mon May 18, 2015 2:58 pm

At least it would be clean! Though I am told by a former resident that tiny lizards skittering up your bedroom wall can be disconcerting. Me, I'd find it a turn-on.

Re: Calling all NV dog ownera

by MatSnow » Mon May 18, 2015 2:25 pm

Me too! If NappyValleyNet were a screwball comedy, we'd be getting a room by now… ;)

Re: Calling all NV dog ownera

by AbbevilleMummy » Mon May 18, 2015 2:08 pm

Booooo Julian! I have been quite enjoying Petal vs MatSnow sparring! :lol:

Re: Calling all NV dog ownera

by juliantenniscoach » Mon May 18, 2015 12:20 pm

Come on guys. Agree to disagree and leave it at that maybe?
