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Re: Flu vaccination for children?

by lemonzest » Mon Sep 28, 2015 11:27 am

In my opinion - do it! It's painless and totally worth it for a significant reduction in the chance of picking up flu. Eldest has had it for last two years with no ill effects.

I'd talk to your GP/specialist re: the egg allergy. It's my understanding they can be offered the jab instead, if the allergy is severe enough to warrant it, but I'm no medic.

Flu vaccination for children?

by MickeyMouse » Mon Sep 28, 2015 10:19 am

Hi everyone.
Any thoughts on the flu vaccination for children (nasal spray)? GP strongly recommends it as all health profs would. I had heard of secondary risks. The general consensus is that the benefits or immunising our children is greater than the risks but if risks there are I would rather know. Also, is this safe for a child with a mild egg-white intolerance?
Any advice/past experience welcome,
